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Everything posted by Precision

  1. This was the prediction for snow 24 hours in advance of the "storm" on Tuesday. We should have received 5"-9" based on our location but did not get a single flake! I was outside Tuesday working on the tractor in preparation for the storm and all we had were cloudy skies. I hope these aren't the same satellites and computer simulations they are using for their climate change models. Embarrassing that they were so inaccurate a mere 24 hours in advance!
  2. Easy for us to say flippant when the conflict doesn't directly impact the US and few of our citizens were killed. After 9/11 people wanted to bomb the middle east into the stone age. No one was concerned about collateral damage in Syria, Afghanistan or Iraq (where orders of magnitude more have died than in Gaza). Similarly, in the past there was little sympathy for the residents of Dresden, Tokyo, Hiroshima, Nagasaki or Hanoi. Now that we're on the outside looking in, we think we have some sort of moral high ground to stand on. We don't. If the US chooses to discontinue aid to Israel that's fine but when it comes to indiscriminate bombing, we're the last country on earth that should criticize Israel.
  3. If they are looking to get rid of everything built and founded by Jews they have their work cut out for them. It's likely these clowns stopped by Starbucks (founded by a Jew) for a latte after their escapades! Just a few well known US companies founded by people of Jewish faith. Baskin-Robbins; Burt Baskin, Irv Robbins Ben & Jerry's; Ben Cohen, Jerry Greenfield Dunkin' Donuts; William Rosenberg Estèe Lauder; Estee Lauder Facebook; Mark Zuckerberg, Dustin Moskovitz Google; Larry Page, Sergey Brin Haagen Dazs; Reuben & Rose Mattus Hasbro; Henry & Helal Hassenfeld H&R Block; Henry Wollman Bloch Lane Bryant; Lane Bryant Malsin Goldman Sachs; Marcus Goldman, Samuel Sachs Oracle; Larry Ellison Snapple; Leonard Marsh, Hyman Golden & Arnold Greenberg Starbucks; Jerry Baldwin, Zev Siegl & Gordon Bowker Toys "R" Us; Charles Lazarus Warner Bros. Pictures; Harry, Albert, Sam & Jack Warner Dreamworks; Steven Spielberg Slim Fast!; S. Daniel Abraham Calvin Klein; Karl Anderson Jr. (Calvin Klein) Dell; Michael Dell
  4. When the going got tough they went with competence over diversity even though they hate themselves for it.
  5. The administration is finally realizing that she does not instill competence, something the president desperately needs now. White House’s Kirby to get expanded role - 02/12/24 10:09 AM ET "In his new role, Kirby will coordinate national security communications across agencies at the White House. He will manage a small staff, and he will continue to make appearances in the briefing room, an administration official said. Kirby’s promotion will not have any impact on Jean-Pierre’s role." The fact that they call her out specifically does mean that it will impact her role.
  6. I think a lot of people without much on their plate have a "need to worry". You see this a lot in the elderly as they sit around and think about who will get which mementos after they pass. It happened with all of my grandparents prior to their deaths, too much time and nothing else to do. It is happening with my parents now. How many busy people like CEO's, doctors, lawyers, engineers or people who own businesses do you seeing glueing themselves to roads to "stop oil"? None, because their minds are too engaged to waste time thinking about such nonsense. It's always the people with too little in their lives like the unemployed or students. Even looking at this board, the biggest proponents of the climate change are objectively the least intelligent, some with an exceptionally large number of posts daily. People with not much to do, all day to do it and "need something to worry about".
  7. In the link above, this guy. “The world has to step up, and it has to step up now,” former President Barack Obama said. “When it comes to climate, time really is running out.” Lives here on waterfront in Martha's Vinyard. There's no hysteria among the wealthy or the political class. None of them are moving or changing their habits. Taylor Swift emitted more CO2 this weekend than a dozen typical households do in a year. The hysteria is with the poor dopes who eat this up. Their empty lives need something to think about and fill the void. A few years ago, everyone talked about a "zombie apocalypse" or "5G frying your brain". Over 20 years ago the panic was about Y2K and how all the computers around the world would crash.
  8. Glad to see former Governor Hogan running for senate. I had the pleasure of meeting him at a No Labels event in Manchester, NH a number of years ago. Very well spoken and a great demeanor. After his speech he hung around for about 30 minutes just talking with people, asking about their political concerns. Given his success as a governor I expect he'll be a formidable senate candidate.
  9. I understand the thought process of getting him to finish his term but running him again is borderline criminal. We can only hope that someday those responsible (and Biden's mental capacity) is exposed through a FOIA request.
  10. The D's are in trouble now that Biden is mentally declining faster than expected. If they were smart, they would have been promoting a clear number 2 should Biden falter further or pass. Normally that would be the VP but Harris's favorability rating is on par with Biden's and I'm not sure she's more cognizant than him. They'll like turn to someone like Newsome which would make sense for the D's since everyone hates CA. A smart move would be to push someone else who could compensate for their weaknesses in the 2024 election. A good choice could be someone like Shapiro who has a high favorability rating and could likely flip other rust belt states in addition to PA.
  11. Excerpt from yesterday. Biden confuses his presidents in another embarrassing gaffe — moments after fuming ‘my memory is fine!’ "During his brief address to the nation Thursday night, Biden, 81, brought up the Israel-Hamas war and said he worked with the president of Mexico to help send aid into the war zone. “As you know, initially, the president of Mexico Sisi, did not want to open up the gate to allow humanitarian material to get in [to Gaza],” Biden said. “I talked to him. I convinced him to open the gate.” Biden had failed to mention President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi is from Egypt and isn’t Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, two men the US president has met in recent years."
  12. If Colorado and Maine are so upset by Trump running, perhaps it would be best for both states to not participate in this election. Spread their electoral college delegates among the states that have decided to fully embrace this election.
  13. If the AP's calling it, then it's pretty much over. The Supreme Court seems poised to reject efforts to kick Trump off the ballot over the Capitol riot "Justice Elena Kagan was among several justices who wanted to know “why a single state should decide who gets to be president of the United States.” In another sign of trouble for the Colorado voters who sued to remove Trump from the ballot, the justices spent little time talking about whether Trump actually “engaged in insurrection” following the 2020 election."
  14. DC had 27,000 crimes in 2022, were they all insurrections?
  15. You can't make this up. Massachusetts governor Maura Healey nominates former romantic partner to state's highest court "According to the State House News Service, Healey and Wolohojian lived together in Charlestown and their relationship first became public in 2013 when Healey announced a run for attorney general. A Boston Magazine article from 2015 said the pair had been together for eight years after meeting at a Boston law firm. "
  16. NYC is handing out $53 million in pre-paid credit cards to migrants. NYC launches $53M program to hand out pre-paid credit cards to migrant families Meanwhile upstate continues to fall further into poverty. U.S. Census Bureau finds more people facing poverty In upstate New York, poverty rates are between 20-30% per capita based on data from July 2022. Buffalo: 27.6% Rochester: 29.3% Syracuse: 30.1% Albany: 21.7% NYC: 17.1% I remember when Rochester was considered an affluent city,
  17. Well, Kid Rock.... Is a US citizen. Has paid and currently pays taxes. Has a net worth of roughly $250 million. Has a charitable foundation (The Kid Rock Foundation). Regularly donates to charities such as Easter Seals and Habitat for Humanity (among others). The illegal migrant (who was arrested) has done what exactly? I mean other than assaulting a member of the NYPD.
  18. Why would migrants embrace the Democratic party, the party of welfare? You're kidding right? From the Brookings Institute.... Welfare Benefits for Non-citizens "Refugees and asylees are eligible for all welfare benefits for the first seven years they reside in the U.S."
  19. Maybe Joe can give an extra stern warning to Iran this time. Deepest sympathies to the service members killed, wounded and their families.
  20. People are pushing for "at birth" abortions, and we are struggling with the death penalty. Just think about that for a second. Personally, I'm good with the death penalty and would like to see the appeals limited to less than 10 years.
  21. He is correct. There are areas of the world that will never have the charging infrastructure required to support EV's. The 30% EV penetration number may not be accurate but there will forever be a significant percentage of vehicles sold that in the world that are not EV's.
  22. Toyota’s chairman doubles down on his electric car skepticism, forecasting that EV adoption will peak at just 30% "The auto executive estimated that around a billion people still live in areas without electricity, which limits the appeal of a battery electric vehicle. Toyoda estimated that fully-electric cars will only capture 30% of the market, with the remainder taken up with hybrids or vehicles that use hydrogen technology."
  23. I'm not sure fought is the correct term. Toyota has predicted EV penetration to peak at 30%. Does it make sense to invest large amounts of money into a product that only 30% of customers will purchase? If the penetration is large (which I doubt) ultimately it will be the UAW workers that bear the brunt of the pain.
  24. The UAW is toast once Chinese EV's start to penetrate the US market. Shawn's a little late realizing that the administrations EV push is going to eliminate UAW jobs. China’s automakers take the world by storm with electric vehicle push "Chinese electric cars, cheaper than models built elsewhere, are making inroads in Europe, Australia and Southeast Asia. Competitors worry that Chinese brands may eventually dominate the global EV market." "The average price of an EV in China was €31,829 ($34,096) in the first half of 2022, compared with €55,821 ($59,797) in Europe and €63,864 ($68,429) in the United States, the firm said in a report last year."
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