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Everything posted by Precision

  1. By many accounts the US is already in a recession. U.S. Recession Already Six Months Old, Says Fed Model Remember Q1 GDP growth was negative. More recently: "The Atlanta Fed GDPNow model is tracking this data, and it looks bad. At the time of writing, roughly a -1% decline in GDP for Q2 is on the cards. Of course, that forecast may change, but unless some upcoming numbers improve, it may mean that we’re already 6 months into a U.S. recession." Heading into the midterms we're very like in a recession from the Q1 and Q2 numbers and right before the election the Q3 estimate will be released. Per DRsGhost post above the top 3 issues for voters are gas prices, inflation and the economy. The timing of the economic data couldn't have been worse for the Democrats. I don't see how this can't be a windfall election for Republicans.
  2. Glad that you see through the smoke and mirrors. It's unfortunate that smart people feel like they can't have an opinion because they aren't trained in the subject matter. It's the whole "follow the science" shaming that attempts to quiet valid questions to science problems. There are a few green technologies that I feel have a solid future. I will be installing a ground source heat pump within the next few years as it is mature technology (thermodynamics) based on refrigeration and A/C. Fuel cells are expensive, and I don't see that changing soon. Fusion is still just a dream. Wind and solar I am meh on until the efficiencies (solar) improve more. Not a fan of the wind turbines, I've seen them up close numerous times in Cohocton and Howard. My parents live in Canisteo, NY and they'll be host to 117 beautiful wind turbines in the near future: https://canisteowind.invenergy.com/ Lucky them! Never heard about the SPSS. I can imagine how interesting it would have been if there was a software bug with the satellites. Suddenly the beamed power goes off course and people are running around like ants under a magnifying glass (I know all you sick people did that as a kid).....Ha ha ha!
  3. A lot of companies in clean energy play with the numbers so the general public is fooled into thinking the technology is better than it is. Remember the old LED light bulb commercial "Replace your incandescent bulbs with LED's and you won't need to change them until your young child is in college..." Anyone do this? How long did they last? Not 15 years huh. I changed over my whole house, was replacing some after 3 years! Look up the advertised range of an electric car. Look harder and find the range if you live in a cold climate. How long have we been on the cusp of a nuclear fusion breakthrough? I toured the University of Rochester Omega laser (trying to achieve nuclear fusion) in the 80's. They were really close back then, nearly 40 years ago. I imagine 40 years from now they'll still be really close! I'm an electrical engineer and a coworker (electrical engineer) of mine put in solar over 10 years ago. State of the art system with panels on masts that tracked the sun. He is a smart guy, knew all the details. Expected a payback in under 15 years. By his projections now he thinks his payback will be closer to 20 years. Lots of issues such as: solar panels didn't put out advertised peak power, number of sunny days/year was less than expected, microinverters burned up (lots of them), tracking motor froze up. He also gets the luxury of hosing the panels off every few weekends. He would be way ahead if he had put his money in the market.
  4. Always wanted to loot myself a VCR and go running through the streets holding it over my head. Feel like I've missed out on the American experience. Good luck with the flatscreen, the big ones are too heavy for me to run around with!
  5. I never saw any damage at a Pride Parade, inappropriate behavior but no damage. That's really quite the anti LGBTQ statement coming from you! You do understand the difference between protests that destroy property/lives and parades that display inappropriate behavior? I am against both but in no way equate the two.
  6. What the over/under on the cost of damages from the peaceful protests tonight? Always nice to have urban bonfires in the summer!
  7. Joe Biden: "Wow, this YOU guy sounds pretty important!"
  8. The upgrade at Garyville (the refinery originally built in 1977 to be precise) doubled production in 2009 adding over 300K bpd, Motiva upgrade in 2012 added 300K bpd, Valero upgrades in 2014 added 150K bpd. All told, in the last 13 years roughly 1 million bpd of refining capacity were added, when the pandemic hit 1 million barrels of refining capacity were lost. When was the last refinery built in the United States? The higher the price of oil and gas, the better these companies will do until prices hit the point of demand destruction. Bidens efforts will in no way kill the oil and gas industry. What their efforts will do is disincentivize the industry into not making capital expenditures. This will limit the production growth of oil, gas, and refined products. Oil and gas companies will just shrug this off as their revenue growth might suffer but the higher prices on a product with fixed production costs maximizes their profits. Ultimately this nonsense hurts low income consumers the most.
  9. Prices for refined products have increased relative to the price of crude because US refining capacity is down. When prices tanked during the pandemic many refineries closed. Current refined distillate output in the US is lower than in 2017. Prices are up because supply is down, way down. Factbox: Which U.S. refineries have shut since the global pandemic, and why? June 17 (Reuters) - Since the onset of the global pandemic, the United States has lost nearly 1 million barrels per day of oil refining capacity, with more set to be shuttered in the next few years. Given a business model where the Federal government is trying to destroy your business (fossil fuels), it's no surprise that no one is going to build a new refinery in the US. Refineries are large capital expenditures that take companies years to pay back. Only an idiot would build a new refinery knowing that it could be shutdown (due to the green transition) long before the cost of construction could be recouped. Personally, I think the issue with leases and the Biden administrations open disparagement of oil companies does impact crude prices. The refinery problem is a larger problem that I don't think anyone saw and is an issue I don't see this, or the next administration solving.
  10. I don't see the big deal here, it's more like a family argument. I mean this is Maine we're talking about, everyone there is related! 😀
  11. Attended college (Northeastern) and lived in Boston in the 80's and 90's over the course of 15 years. Had my apartment broken into probably half a dozen times. Roommate was mugged twice. Knew someone who had been shot (and survived) on Mission Hill. Had someone break into my Jeep and destroy all the gauges and both front windows because I had bolted in the cheap ass radio, and they couldn't steal it. Was punched from behind by a group of kids once. I love hearing about people who claim anything regarding a city when they've never lived in one and no, Buffalo and Rochester (lived there, worked in Kodak Park for 2 years) are not cities.
  12. Did a little reading this afternoon and it's interesting that illegal immigration tends to hurt democrats own constituents the most. Illegal immigrants tend to flock to population centers where they can hide among the masses which are typically democratic controlled districts. The influx of these immigrants hurts job prospects for unskilled inner-city Americans since they are both competing for the same low-skilled jobs. Also, this influx of poverty-stricken people puts undue stress on a cities limited social services/schools/housing/shelters/etc. So democrats have more voters in their district, but at the expense of their own districts and existing voters. The impact on suburban and rural whites is much less pronounced due to the education of the population but also because fewer migrants tend to put down roots in these locales. Anyone with higher education/training/advanced degrees (possibly even a high school diploma) isn't going to lose their job to unskilled labor that just came over the border. Also, many in this demographic/geographic area (such as business owners or famers) would be more apt to hire migrants than lose their job to them. I can see how this dynamic is shifting formerly urban, generally democratic groups (such as Latinos) toward the republican party. The article below is a little dated but interesting just the same, more focused on the African-American population. Effects of Immigration on African-American Employment and Incarceration "Almost everybody knows that in the past 40 years, the real wages and job prospects for low-skilled men, especially low-skilled minority workers, have fallen. And there is evidence -- although no consensus -- that a rising tide of immigration is partly to blame. Now, a new NBER study suggests that immigration has more far-reaching consequences than merely depressing wages and lowering employment rates of low-skilled African-American males: its effects also appear to push some would-be workers into crime and, later, into prison."
  13. The irony is they loot and burn their own democratic s***holes cities making them even worse. "I'm going to crap on my own kitchen floor, that will show them!" Ha ha ha, what a bunch of idiots!
  14. If your salary goes up every year shouldn't a company's profits? Logically, every year a healthy company should have record profits, no? A question, what would you do if the government supported an open and concerted effort to drive your company out of business, offer discounts? Joe Biden: “We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” Myself I would squeeze out every penny of profit I could until the company shut down. The executive team at E-M has a fiduciary responsibility to their shareholders and employees to do just that. No one cares about the losses incurred during the pandemic in 2020. ExxonMobil Caps Year From Hell With $22 Billion Loss, As Activists Demand Big Change Thoughts about Apple, Alphabet, Microsoft, or JP Morgan Chase which are far more profitable? Exxon May Be Making ‘More Than God.’ But Apple and Alphabet Are More Profitable.
  15. Thanks Joe! New Hampshire residents warned of 'drastic increases' in electricity bills MANCHESTER, N.H. — New Hampshire officials are warning residents to prepare for higher utility bills, with electricity rates expected to rise this year and one utility proposing more than a 100% increase.
  16. MSM turning hard on Joey now. All of Joe Biden's stock market gains have evaporated Stock market's fall has wiped out $3 trillion in retirement savings this year Love this one. Fox’s Doocy needles White House on stock market drop: ‘President Biden once bragged about the stock market’
  17. One of the last years I lived in Boston.....was really great for the tourists trying to follow the Freedom Trail. In 1996 members of the Boston lesbian avengers decided to carry a bed in the Boston ***** March. The plan was to have dykes kissing on the bed as a form of pro-sex political street performance. As many of the marchers were topless, topless dykes could be found on the bed as the cast of performers on the bed changed. Throughout the march, the “making out” sometimes progressed to sexualized acts and simulated sex acts. In 1996, like 1995, the Boston ***** March began at the Ruggles subway station and marched downtown to join the Boston Gay Pride Parade. The sexualized acts that took place on the bed when the ***** March joined the Gay Pride Parade made some of the spectators uncomfortable and caused a stir. Coincidently, the grand marshal for the Gay Pride Parade that year was Boston Mayor Thomas Menino.
  18. I can see reading comprehension is not your strong suit. I did not attend the parades but in my time living in Boston the routes were in close proximity to my apartments. Also, I frequented the commons which the parade route goes beside. I don't care if you respond, it says more about you than me. If you aren't man enough to go on record condemning bad behavior then you are just a boy. You can age, get old, but you'll still be a boy. Probably raised by a single mom who worked for a do nothing government agency. This isn't just about gays either. Every spring in Boston is the out of control St. Patrick's day parade. Drunk guys pissing on parked cars is inappropriate behavior which I do no condone. I'm sure you'll have no stand on that either. This quote rings true for you....... "It's not the critic who counts.......those cold timid souls that shall never know victory or defeat"--Theodore Roosevelt
  19. Not isolated. I've been in Boston probably a dozen times when the pride parade was going on as I used to live there. This crap is par for a pride parade. I especially like the fat topless women with saggy painted boobs running around. Really great show for the kids to see. Again, I'm asking a simple question. Isolated or not do you condone this behavior around children?
  20. I don't think anyone condones the Baptists or the behavior at the parade. Do you condone either? Please tell everyone how the behavior at the parade is ok.
  21. Insurrection, ha ha ha. I'd be more concerned about going to a Nordstrom in San Fransisco than being in DC on January 6th!
  22. I respectfully think you're looking at this entirely wrong. Schools are failing, they can't teach math or science (honestly, I think most teachers aren't smart enough for the subject matter). They won't teach history, because maybe something bad happened in the past. Reading and writing are a joke as most young people can't string together 2 to 3 grammatically correct paragraphs. Even online publications regularly have grammatical, spelling or punctuation mistakes. They want to teach CRT because honestly how could you prove a teacher is instructing CRT poorly? I'm feeling like this stripper idea is a good one. At least schools are finally teaching a tangible skill. Honestly most of the younger generation will probably do worse in life than a stripper. They should look into expanding this program into prostitution or another skill that teachers have personal familiarity with.
  23. If you still think the sexual assault of children by teachers is a conspiracy theory......shame on you. "Nearly 1 in 10 students are subjected to adult sexual misconduct by school personnel during the course of their academic careers, according to a 2014 report from the Government Accountability Office. " Feds Call on States to Stop Shielding Teachers Accused of Sex Misconduct With Students
  24. Here is Hornell this past week, it's an epidemic no one wants to talk about or report on. Thank god these people are only teaching for 180 days a year. Hornell City School District Superintendent, High School Assistant Principal Indicted by Grand Jury
  25. Was just at the Mobile in Manchester, NH. Needed to fill up a U-Haul for moving my daughter. Regular is $5.00, Super is $5.55 Highest I've seen yet!
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