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Everything posted by just1hugheser

  1. I was thinking about your question and was trying to see how much conflict there was in my head about who I think will be starting and who I hope will be starting, and I'm happy to say its mostly the same. Dion, Morse, and Williams are pretty locked in barring injury so the fierce competition will be at the guard spots with Ford, Lamp, Feliciano as the favorites and everyone else just trying to develop. Ford and Lamp are both 2nd round #38 picks a couple years apart, but I'll give the nod to a healthy Ford, I think Feliciano sticks at the other spot but if he becomes inconsistent or a liability I could see Lamp getting a try there are as well mostly because we know Bills Coaches are willing to give guys a shot but also I get the impression that the staff knows the weakness was the 3 interior spots and are not completely comfortable with Feliciano and Morse as guys they are sure they can rely upon especially in the playoffs.(neither am i, so Lamp I think gets a shot at some point to see if he can be a gamer if he outright loses the tc competition). In the end meaning starting week 1 > Dion, Feliciano, Morse, Ford, Williams
  2. I really liked our Oline picks, I think they will develop nicely. Really we need a backup LT/someone to begin to develop behind Dion(in the next year or two) and someone that will takeover the RT spot, hopefully we will end up getting steals in Ford and Lamp with Feliciano backing up the interior or taking over at center for a year or two until we get a youngster to claim the C spot. Continual investment in the OLine should always be mandatory but is more so now with JA. Our starting line this year will not have taken a single snap together but will all have started at one point or another over the last two years, so im hoping people step up beast up and claim spots early so they can get that gel/communication going.
  3. player comps are like old school Phil Hansen or like a richard sherman, more modern cam jordan- guys who are more power guys but still explosive, not athletic bendy/speedy guys
  4. Didnt get to read the article(just not paying lol) so thanks for sharing the excerpts, from those I like what was written but I thought we already knew most of this from watching him and college and seeing what his athletic strengths are at the combine?, but its always nice getting more info, so thanks again for posting def excited for Boogs and Rousseau to star in-"How Hughes and the Bills Defense Got Their Groove Back"(executive produced by angela bassett). He is not athletically necessarily prototypically built like Rousseau but that is not to say he is not athletic, his combo of power and acceleration is excellent and with his build and size he has been coached right in making himself versatile playing DE and DT, he has the size and power to anchor the edge but not be a prototypical 'edge' rusher but he does have excellent pash rush skills from the inside and the work he puts into his technique there shows. Because of his work ethic, skill, power, acceleration/burst, and versatility I was super happy with the pick, he can be a great player/piece within the right scheme and with the right players around him. He's actually more polished from an overall technique standpoint than Rousseau right now, though they clearly have different roles/strengths.
  5. It depends on where you define regress, ie just numbers or in play which may not necessarily correlate. I think his numbers will be down a little this year but I think his play will continue to improve, his number will go down I think because of a better defense(ours i mean, but other teams will not be sleeping either this year), and an improved run game. However I really like the addition of Sanders and I think Knox will be much more reliable and consistent this year so there will be plenty of opportunity for his numbers to improve too.
  6. the chiefs do it more than most teams, and id argue that a lot of that comes from Andy Reid- who he is as far as personality and his experiences with his family have given him more perspective than most so he has more empathy, compassion and sympathy for people 'in the struggle' with addiction, poverty, education, etc. so he is more prone to want to give chances as he knows that although the numbers say most in that situation will continue to struggle and fail the only way to pull someone up from a situation like that is to give opportunities to people. There is no cure for addiction/poverty/upbringing but people who have had those struggles and overcome them know that nothing can stop that train but the person themselves but in order for them to do that they have to know that they will not completely be shut out of opportunites because of their past, and in the case where a person is ready to move forward often times the only thing holding them back is that opportunity, no matter how big or small, one person to have hope or belief in them or simply just be willing to give them a shot to move forward and be something more.
  7. this was basically the long and short of my post too, people can do whatever they want but they also have to acknowledge(at least eventually) that every choice has consequences. And when people's choices can affect the health/safety/life of others in the workplace, community, school, society, etc. then rules, protocols, sop's, laws, regs, etc. need to be enacted to protect people> ie person drunk sitting on a couch no biggie, person drunk sitting behind the wheel = risk to self and others = laws/regs etc. people can make all the 'wrong' choices they want but when those choices affect other people and are therefore regulated they dont get to say well those rules/regs/laws don't apply to me> which is essentially what the Beas is doing, he can not get the vax all he wants but he doesn't get to say well nuts to the protocols that are supposed to protect others> and the comment he made about probablities in terms of vaxed people being just as at risk of bringing the virus back to his hotel is a twisted logic.(ie comparing the odds of him or other people making it the nfl and the odds of getting exposed to the virus by persons who are vaxed)
  8. well then i guess i should elaborate; Another poster said he was ashamed to share a fanbase with some of the people whose comments said poster did not agree with. One thought that came into my mind is that just because someone share's an interest or love in one area of their lives does not mean that the same will be true in other areas. So i said something similar as in Bills fans' politics,ethics, morals etc. are not monolithic. Now for my part that probably was not the intention of the original poster(ie to generalize), or that because someone shares a common sense point of view in one area does not mean that they are/should be so 'woke' about other areas. So when I said, "billsfan dont get me wrong, i roll my eyes at some of the stuff that gets posted, but just because we are all bills fans doesn't mean we are all lol 'woke' cant believe i just used that term but i think ya'll know what i mean" So I was not trying to get at him about calling out people whose posts he/she considers abhorrent but his/her feelings of seeming surprise/shame that some Bills fans arent 'woke' by which I meant has the skills/thought/intelligence or whatever you want to call it to be able to walk in other people's shoes(empathy) and use that to better understand someone's perspective/feelings/thoughts/emotions so as to apply the golden rule of if you were in their shoes how would you feel about being treated a certain way just because your skin is a different color, or if you love/are attracted to people of the same sex, or whatever the difference is that people who are not 'woke' use to divide, demean, belittle, eliminate, keep down, etc. everyone who is not like them or acceptable to them. I knew it was going to be semi difficult for me to articulate correctly what exactly i was trying to say while using the word 'woke' such as I did, so I was hoping to get away with that alone, though I now feel better for having at least made an attempt to elaborate and articulate the meaning of what I was trying to say. Though admittedly I still might have failed. one person could be a good bills fan, despise racism, is fair and considerate to almost all, but then you find out that said person believes women should only be barefoot pregnant in the kitchen> ie being a bills fan does not mean someone is not a racist or sexist or whatever, they are not mutually exclusive, which was my initial thought and reaction to the other poster i think maybe i over explained this one for fear of improper communication, i am a bit insecure when it comes to communication as it always seems so clear in my head but then when i try to put it out into the universe i can never seem to get across exactly what i mean
  9. lol really? just because we share an interest, we should think the same way? we're all humans and we all have very unique experiences that shape us and our opinions
  10. lol very validly its a good thing for him that justice in this day and age is more about money than anything else, and of course what the internetverse says.
  11. cant imagine the weight that comes off someones everything when they finally feel comfortable enough to put it out there, im getting secondary feelings of relief for him.
  12. I actually expect good things from all of these players this year, that is if they want to have a job next year(minus oliver). I think Oliver will start to be seriously disruptive as I think he will be given less responsibilities and almost solely asked to be in the backfield. Ford will have to either lock down a guard spot, or play at least consistent enough to be a reliable backup guard. I think if our OLine can solidify and remain healthy are rushing attack will be much improved and I believe Motor has embraced the pressure and responsibility that comes with being on such a good/competitive team and realizes he has to be focused no matter the situation. I'm not saying he'll be all world, but he will be a reliable/clutch piece that can be called upon when a play needs to be made ala the Pats backs who were never game breakers but ran tough, were elusive receivers and reliable in pass pro. And Knox just has to become a weapon that can be relied upon which means no more drops ever, on top of that I'd like to see his ball security improve especially right after the catch when he tries to go beast mode, we have enough talent where guys just need to focus on their jobs, if guys can be reliable game in and game out down after down we will be a rough out, and then that extra yardage beast mode stuff can be turned on after the consistency is in place. Actually I expect a lot out of our younger players
  13. "That equipment manager is full of *****, my pits don't smell like that!"
  14. lol that is literally everyday for me, had my entire large intestine removed, so if i dont chew the bejesus out of everything i eat it just comes out whole now if that tmi doesnt stop this thread nothing will
  15. thank god polio and smallpox etc were essentially vaxed out of existence before this time in history, its really quite amazing how angry people get at people who are trying to help them. its also quite amazing how uneducated this country is, besides reading instagram, twitter, and facebook I'm not sure more than a couple million people out of 330million have actually read a book in the last 20 years. I'm all for personal choice and responsibility but when those choices come outside of the home and affect the health, safety and lives of those around people making those choices, laws rules and regulations have to be put in place. For example person sitting on couch drunk no problem, person sitting behind the wheel drunk need law to deter and enforce consequences. And like the Beas says, if your convictions are that strong then you make your decision and face the consequences aka being fined and suspended and if he does that and becomes unavailable and a distraction McBeane would have every right and plenty of incentive to cut him. Again make any decision you want, but there are always consequences and if you don't like what the consequences are you don't get to be a whiny B word and say the rules, laws, and regs are crap and shouldnt apply to 'me' when they are put in place for the better of 'all'.
  16. i thought of him as good depth when he signed, either way this injury doesnt hurt them unless of course more injuries on the interior start to pile up lol i was in the same boat, i really wanted us to draft him
  17. Don't get me wrong I'm agreeing with you about the wind and the Pats should have switched their gameplan once they saw that the wind was going to stop JA far more effectively than they could especially without Gilmore, but that doesn't bolster my assertion that Belichek will still be a winner and considered one of the best coaches of all time even without Brady lol.
  18. hahah the pats are not my team, I just respect belichek maybe more than i should in a roundabout way because i hate brady so much, maybe in my head im hoping belichek is better than he actually is just so i can take some credit away from brady, as for the wind i dont doubt it affects the ball a ton even with Allen's cannon however I think letting us run the ball was part of the gameplan wind or no wind because of JA and the success of our passing game. It's really not that important to debate either way, its all just guessing at this point but I think those who think that belichek will be nothing without brady are mistaken and also that mac jones will pan out for them, do i want that to be the case? absolutely not, i would love it if jones becomes a flop and belichek is shamed out of the nfl in a year or two for being nothing without brady. However as it stands they have one of the best offensive lines, and imo have one of the best defenses in the league so if cam or mac can be marginally effective they should be very competitive. haha you said i was a pats fan, if you knew me you would know how funny that actually is, I am a homer but I like to think i can be objective with what I actually think and not what i want.
  19. Ill give you the wind for sure, but I think Bill allowed us to run so that we don't develop a rhythm in the passing game which is important for Josh and it also limits our scoring potential, imo as an offense even if we are running the ball effectively if we arent in rhythm and passing the ball effectively our ppg would decrease, so by allowing us to run the ball and in turn running the ball themsevles they limit our offense and points thus keeping the game closer for that final drive. I didnt articulate what i was thinking or trying to say very well but I think maybe if Im lucky I got my point across.
  20. I'm as big a Bills fan out there, and Josh Allen fits Buffalo perfect, but the only way he becomes better than Mahomes is if he continues to improve from year to year like he did from year 2 to year 3 which of course is possible but most likely unsustainable because once you fix something you've fixed it. Mahomes is a freak of nature, barring injury he will be the best of all time.(this assumes his coaches stay with him, which I think Reid will, because why wouldn't you, 3 years 1 conference championship loss, two wins and one super bowl ring and maybe two super bowl rings if not for destiny and the nfl lining up for brady). And he has the best offensive line and weapons he has had to date as well as probably the best defense he has had to date. I love Josh but hes just not quite at that level, can he get there? it'll be fun to watch him work toward it and hopefully McBeane can continue to surround him with the absolute best they can get.
  21. I agree about learning a lot on here, one way or another haha- but seriously though I find it interesting to try and get in the heads of the coaches and gm's and see what works and what doesn't but of course in the end we are guessing but we definitely have a lot of info to base our guesses on so the in between makes it more interesting. The one tech and cornerback discussions as you so rightly point out are perfect examples this season, where media types and people on the board had both as presumptive needs and in the case of cornerback seemingly big need, but the coaches dont agree so does pass rush solve any problems we might have had and/or Levi is super consistent and they are confident in the development of other guys like Dane.
  22. People underestimating Belichek(they were 7-9 with a terrible roster, and they ran all over us needing a last second fumble from Cam to barely hold onto the win, and JA in that game was 11/18 for 154 and an int so Belichek still knows hows to gameplan when it matters) will be surprised and people underestimating mac jones will be surprised. and dont tell me about the game in dec. when the game didnt matter to the pats.
  23. Thanks for the response, yea I def dont think it happens or should happen for that matter, I'm just really curious where everyone lands on this, he is coming off an injury but he has not been injury prone i think over the previous six seasons he missed 4 games though Id have to look that up Im guessing from memory. And his salary is up there but can always be re-worked and according to nfl live his cap hit is 19th among wrs. I'm just wondering how much a GM has to think about a thing like that when the team is so close and other championship caliber teams are stocking talent everywhere as well, and I would really hate it if he went to the pats haha- thats my only drive for signing players so that NE cant get em
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