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Everything posted by DapperCam

  1. Well, he’s done the same thing like half a dozen times before. Acts like his ankle is falling off, and limps around. But then once the ball is snapped he looks fine.
  2. That would cement Reid as the GOAT.
  3. KC fans cheering an injury, just classless. Looks like a high ankle sprain to me.
  4. If the ref sees a player flop that dramatically they should just ignore whatever the penalty was even if they did push after the whistle.
  5. They should not reward that ridiculous dive.
  6. lol, they showed the blind refs in the crowd
  7. Who tf is this Otton guy?
  8. KC is pretty lucky to be up. That Mahomes pass was a prayer into triple coverage and should have been picked.
  9. Lol, that should have been a pick.
  10. I think Indy is a decent team. Definitely need to show up and play well (unlike say…the Titans where we only needed to show up for like 1.5 quarters).
  11. We aren’t even using him as a gadget player. McKenzie was way better when he was here, and he’s a free agent! If it’s an injury just shut him down for a while and see if he can come back for the last couple games before the playoffs.
  12. What in the Blair Walsh is going on here?
  13. That coverage on Jefferson is just handing the Vikings 25 free yards.
  14. I think he was being extra cautious because we had no timeouts and there was less than a minute left. The only really bad pass was the one to Kincaid which was way too low.
  15. I don’t think 5 seconds is enough to run another play and call a TO.
  16. We lack talent. Coaches try to hide the lack of talent with an extreme bend but don’t break scheme. Didn’t work out today, especially in the 2nd half.
  17. Sometimes I kind of wonder if they use it as an extra long timeout. Because that one wasn’t even close.
  18. Glad we won, still not feeling great against good teams. Defense stinks, and the offense seems to come out with a terrible game plan half the time.
  19. Waddle acted like he tore his Achilles and it was just a scrape?
  20. I find it hard to believe we can’t find a better kicker to trade for.
  21. Still was past the first down anyway.
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