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Everything posted by DapperCam

  1. It’s a matter of desperation. KC will make the playoffs no matter what. The other teams they play need to win out or they are done. Not saying there will definitely be upsets, but it gives a small opening.
  2. Current forecast is 10-15 mph winds, 39 degrees, cloudy, with 40% chance of about 1 inch of snow before the game starts. Sounds like good football weather to me.
  3. One thing with KC is that all the teams they play the rest of the way are fighting for their playoff lives, while KC has theirs pretty much wrapped up. I could see a couple upsets. Similar for the Titans, 49ers and Dolphins need wins to stay in the mix (also, the Titans are sinking like a lead balloon right now).
  4. Bills are 12th in red zone TD %. Not terrible, not great. Notable teams worse than us: KC, Pats, Titans, Bengals, Colts (i.e. every team ahead of us in playoff seeding except the Chargers, which are barely better at 10th). Idk what my point is here, but it seems like we’ve done “well enough”. I think we’re just traumatized by all the close games with us failing in the red zone at the end of the game.
  5. Happens with old guys sometimes. Hopefully he’s been saving what he has left in the tank for the final stretch/playoffs.
  6. If Allen gets us 3-0 down the stretch with good play and the Chiefs/Titans go 1-2, then Bills will be #1 seed and he still has a shot at it. Pretty slim margins, but still possible.
  7. Josh Allen would have trucked or hurdled that fool.
  8. If we can get up early it’s game over. Noodle arm can’t throw them back into a game (unless we turn it over). Also, for the love of god cover Henry in the red zone! He is the only person noodle arm will throw to there. I couldn’t believe the Colts leaving Henry open multiple times in the red zone.
  9. That wasn’t even helmet to helmet. They are going to over call everything to keep things from getting chippy.
  10. I wouldn’t say we’re getting outplayed. But we should be outplaying them by a lot and aren’t.
  11. WR just standing around instead of continuing to run on the scramble drill. Games not over yet guys…gotta keep trying
  12. Pretty soft call considering the defender pushed him after the play. He would have been better just pushing him back.
  13. Lol, tight end just charged into him and didn’t even turn around for the ball. BS call
  14. Refs suck, should have been no call or a call on the Bills because our linemen went into their sideline.
  15. Wallace watching Cam walk in. He didn’t even try to make a tackle and he definitely could have at least slowed him down. Weak effort.
  16. Allen never saw that guy. Should have taken the underneath stuff.
  17. Throwing it into the end zone and running help the red zone offense. Hopefully they keep that up.
  18. Davis either slowed down or got grabbed or something ~15 yards before the ball came down. Without that extra little slow down it’s a perfect throw. Maybe Allen needs to put a little more air under them so there is a bigger margin of error.
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