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Everything posted by DapperCam

  1. If she wanted to go to a party and have consensual sex, that isn’t what happened anyway (according to her). Following your dumb analogy it would be like saying on camera you want to get into a fight before a party, and then someone sucker punching you at the party and kicking you on the ground. I wouldn’t say, “well he said he wanted to fight.” DAs only bring a case to trial if it’s a slam dunk. People should know this by now. I’m not saying he is personally guilty either, I’m just saying you can’t say she’s a liar. We just don’t know.
  2. Well, fighting is pretty different from what we’re talking about here in a lot of ways, so I don’t understand your analogy.
  3. What does that have to do with anything? The accusation was a violent gang rape. Consent can be withdrawn at any time even if she was of age and initially into it (which allegedly she wasn’t). I doubt any video like you are describing had anything to do with a trial not going forward.
  4. That isn’t what it means. It means they know it is a he-said she-said (as these frequently are) and there isn’t a good chance they will win in court. Doesn’t mean she’s full of crap at all. If they didn’t have good physical evidence, or camera footage, or other evidence like witnesses then there isn’t much they can do.
  5. The flu can have symptoms for 5-7 days (I know from personal experience). Even if they are all probably back for the game, it can still affect their performance.
  6. Next man up. Big opportunity for the young guys who have been disappointing to earn that next deal. This team does seem a little cursed though. Two All Pros on defense out for the year. Another All Pro just returning from an ACL himself (gotta think he won’t totally be himself this year). Then another All Pro playing injured and missing games as well. For those keeping track that is all 4 All Pros on our defense out or compromised this year. If we can make a deep run, Beane and the coaches deserve huge props for building depth on defense and getting them to play well.
  7. I think that thought process is helpful if you are still in the season and trying to project how future games will go. The Miami game was full of injuries and issues with the heat. Especially losing Morse in-game seemed to screw up the timing of everything on offense. We play Miami again much healthier, not in the heat, and Morse is back. The Vikings game was a total fluke. The Bills outplayed them 90% of the game and then a bunch of crazy stuff happened. If we play that game the same way we win 99/100 times. The Vikings needed a fumbled snap in the end zone 3 yards away from victory formation for a TD in order to win. It isn’t predictive of anything. The Jets game we played like garbage on offense. The Jets got pressure with 4 and have a solid secondary. If there is a game to point to for an example of how we might lose again it would be this game. Maybe not the Jets specifically because their offense is pretty bad. But say for example if the Bengals can get pressure with 4 and drop everyone else in coverage, they could knock off the Bills in a similar way.
  8. Even tackling early is being let go if it’s a “bang bang play”. Even if it makes the reception impossible because the DB was there early.
  9. Maybe true in rugby, but in football these guys are decked from head to toe in body armor and seem to lack basic self preservation.
  10. Seems like a bad injury waiting to happen. Allen had been in the middle of a few of those and it makes me hold my breath.
  11. It’s possible that at the end of the year the Bills will have beaten every AFC playoff team (splitting with the Dolphin and Jets). That would be pretty wild.
  12. That doesn’t sound right. For example in the way you’ve set things up, a team with a 90% chance to win any given game would have a 100% chance of losing after 10 games (which obviously isn’t right). I think you are looking for the chance the team loses at least one game, which is one minus the chance the team wins all of the games. So 1 - 0.9^5 for 5 remaining games. Or about 40% chance you lose at least one game.
  13. Bills schedule (like the circumstances surrounding when and where we play), the strength of schedule, and injuries have been ridiculous this year. If we can keep the #1 seed through all of that, it will have been a great accomplishment.
  14. Bills are going to blow these guys out. The defense is way healthier. The offense was at the peak of their funk against the Jets too. They seem to have figured some things out and are taking a more measured and balanced approach now.
  15. Allen isn’t gonna win it because the coaches are playing a lot more conservatively now once the Bills get up. Much more running and eating the clock when we get up 2 scores. At the beginning of the year Allen was still taking shots down the field in those scenarios and running up the score. I also think the defense is getting healthy and gonna lock it down in December. He just isn’t going to need to throw it all over the place for the Bills to win. If Hurts wins, it will be a team win. He’s a system QB for sure. Allen, Mahomes, and many other QBs are asked to do a lot more (even Lamar with a similar style).
  16. Bills seem to have changed their philosophy after the Vikings game (probably an edict from McDermott). Bills win that game if they just take the points.
  17. Bengals D has been good. I would have taken the points. Hasn’t really been a shootout.
  18. Why do the teams we need to lose keep playing garbage backup QBs? Also, Tua is so incredible how he can will a 12 yard slant into a 75 yard TD. That is why he’s MVP.
  19. I can only remember 2 and they were both very recent. I’d bring back Saffold with the understanding that he might end up depth and not the starter.
  20. If it’s true, then he’s never getting another call in his favor. Should have asked Jerry Hughes before calling out the refs publicly like this.
  21. If you watch him run and jog after plays he has a really awkward stride. Maybe that’s just how he runs, but it doesn’t look right to me.
  22. Look at his drops. Look at the number of interceptions when he’s targeted. He has those volume numbers because of the style of offense the Bills play. Eye test tells me his ankle is still hurt and he can’t get separation.
  23. Our offensive line stunk in pass protection the whole game. Free rushers right off the snap (which led to a strip sack). Interior of the line got the job done in run blocking and that made the difference. WRs were also pretty pedestrian outside of Diggs (which is what Cosell said). We just happen to have the best player in the NFL, Josh Allen, which covered up for those deficiencies.
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