As someone else said though, just because poor play from him helped Carolina with field position to get a TD, for which he is receiving criticism for, it doesn't mean anyone is dismissing above.
You know what, Josh was off colour in the first half (along with the entire franchise) last week and bought the fire in the second last week. If he's off the entire game today we should still win considering the position we're in; I'll take it if he means he's at his very best on Boxing Day.
What agenda? He's a great player but he has flaws - not always taking what a defence offers him and being distracted by potential penalties - that needs to be sorted. The issue is it's his mental approach rather than anything physical so it may not be easy to do so but it's irritating.
From a play offs point of view, having the Colts with one less win would have made me feel more secure about our chances. Maybe 'happier' was the wrong word to use though!
The Colts are excellent. At this stage I cannot see us making the Championship game this year unless we play like we did against the Bucs in the second half across at least three of the four quarters in Foxboro (and not get routed in the weaker one) plus six or seven quarters out of eight in the Wildcard and Divisional games. We shouldn’t need to bring our A Game to beat the Panthers, Falcons or Jets but we cannot flop out of the gate either. If there were any doubts about playing Josh today due to injury - I doubt there were any - I think they would be dismissed by last night’s result.
I’d feel happier if the Pats had won but am more excited that the Colts were victorious. We are more than capable of beating the Pats at Foxboro but after the Jags debacle we have to focus on the job in hand first.