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Everything posted by UKBillFan

  1. Well he can’t, that’s the problem. I can’t get over what we were thinking, drafting a human being as a Quarterback…
  2. And had a poor game when we got there. Maybe it’s unfair but I haven’t seen anything so far which suggests this year will be any different.
  3. Yes, the AFCCG. Not the Super Bowl. Not World Champions. Have we improved this year? I can understand why some are saying no.
  4. I have had about two hours sleep so might be over-tired; I may look back on this later in the week and think I’m an idiot. However, at the moment, for me, we’ve proven nothing but we’re flat track bullies. We can steamroller weak teams and we managed to beat an out of sorts Chiefs but when someone has our number? We lose. Until we hit maybe the Saints in week twelve we will not be able to prove otherwise either (unless we lose again in the meantime). It may be unlucky, it might be something we “learn from” but how many times have we heard that? And how many times do we make the same mistakes, proving we learn little? In truth, yesterday was an either way game and we fell the wrong side of it. But that happens far too often. And the Titans are a decent team but not world beaters yet we kept them in the game and allowed them to capitalise. We lost the game yesterday; they didn’t win it. Again that happens all to often - this season alone it’s the second game in six that has occurred.
  5. Did you see our defense this evening? If Titans had won the toss we would have lost anyway.
  6. Yep, he’s rubbish. We should run him out of town at the earliest opportunity and do everything to trade up in the draft for a new Quarterback(!)
  7. It’s a disgrace he didn’t! In all seriousness, Josh had a good game but the decision making whilst in possession at the start of the fourth quarter cost us the game, despite our awful defence and O-Line. It was hideous and gave them the ball back unnecessarily.
  8. A little too high considering the Titans couldn’t even beat the Jets and had an ever depleting secondary? Maybe (definitely) at the start of the season a close defeat would be acceptable here but now? After the performances of the Ravens and Cardinals yesterday we could have laid down a further marker - instead we look far too easy to get at once again on both sides of the ball. Yes, there should be no way we don’t make the post season considering the division and our schedule. Do I trust us to do much once we get there? No. This isn’t a single mess up like the Bucs hosting the Saints last year; we have too many issues which raise their head at the wrong time again and again.
  9. Agreed. Tonight was the opportunity to stamp authority on the AFC. The only plus side is the other sides in the East are in such a mess at the moment.
  10. Injuries play such a key role and yet we failed miserably to take advantage of a depleted secondary in that awful series of plays at the start of the fourth? The Jets turned over the Titans yet too often, offensively and defensively, we turned over a had our tummy tickled. It’s lucky we have such a nice schedule after the bye. The only plus is tonight was a shambles is some regards yet we only lost by three.
  11. I expected to go into the bye 4-2 prior to the season and we have yet… it’s our own doing. We threw the game against both the Steelers and the Titans, who are no better than average teams. When I see what the Cardinals and Ravens are doing at the moment do I think we’re Super Bowl contenders. I really have my doubts - we’re still too weak where it matters.
  12. This would be a blowout if it wasn’t for him. FFS the JETS beat this lot!
  13. Please no, not another late one. We should be out of sight.
  14. We can’t rely on the D and Josh is choosing the wrong time to lose his head.
  15. We struggle with Henry though we’re not the only ones.
  16. My only concern is he’s going to get hurt. Somehow we need to correct the O Line at the half.
  17. I hope it’s not going to be last week where I was lying wake at twenty to six in the morning, having had no sleep, and due to be up at half past seven for work! New tactic tonight - I’m going to try and sleep through the game as see the result in the morning. Wish me luck as I don’t think I’ll be successful. Feel relaxed about tonight. Whatever happens the AFC East is surely sewn up but obviously a win will keep the pressure on the other Division Leaders. After the Steelers defeat I was expecting to go into bye week 3-3 so being 4-1 now is fantastic. I am concerned the Titans run game, particularly Henry, will do a number on us.
  18. Not expecting much from tonight - the pessimistic side of me thinks we'll head into the bye at three and three yet we should still win the division considering issues elsewhere. Anything will be a bonus from this and it'll be important not to throw toys out of the pram after tonight if things do not work out.
  19. Got to be said, the Rams look a real threat this year, particularly in offense.
  20. Eventually having early picks at the draft should pay off as a strong roster is built off the back of them. But some franchises have no clue how to use the opportunity effectively, the Jets being Exhibit A.
  21. He's also spoken to Brandon Staley who, as I suspected, basically said he didn't want to put the pressure on Vizcaino due to the crosswind, so he took the touchdown rather than bled the clock.
  22. Hope Andy Reid is fine and indeed the hospital trip is purely a precaution.
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