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Everything posted by AlfaBill

  1. At the end of the day, Tua couldn’t make more plays than a 3rd string QB. make sense?
  2. Good ones? They lost to a 3rd string QB who came in not expecting to play.
  3. Another almost pick by Kermit.
  4. Relax. No need to get your panties in a bunch. see if you can understand this: Josh likes to run it’s part of what makes him special. You don’t take that away. now go get the wedgie sorted.
  5. Lol faaking fish getting a lot of breaks. Oh well it’ll create a false sense of security when they meet the Bills at full (or near) full strength.
  6. All of these guys have childhood teams. They need to just be more aware. Remember Tasker? He was the exact opposite trying to seem like he WASNT a Bills fan to a fault.
  7. Disagree. If Josh runs less that means he’ll pass more. More passes equals more chances to get hit in the pocket which in turn equals injury. When he runs he initiates contact.
  8. We see contact worse that every play without calls. That was soft not that I’m complaining. I think Romo likes good QB teams. I believe he likes Josh and the Bills as well
  9. Wow. 2 gift defensive penalties. Josh got cracked a few times like that with no calls. And that DPI was BS. that said go Cincy!
  10. I really wasn’t serious. That would great. I hate his voice
  11. Josh was also injured in the pocket.
  12. Can’t believe we lost to both of these teams. that said not many teams can lose so many key players in the same position group at the same time and still win. The Bills have. think about that.
  13. When he wins the SB you could already imagine his Football Life. The script will write itself.
  14. https://giphy.com/gifs/s3hZZwFRki8r6
  15. Just give him a can of corn. He’ll be alright
  16. And a few of those hits came late.
  17. I thought Mac said “ throw in the damn towel!”
  18. Isn’t the douche on the left the same douche that said the Bills reign lasted 11 months? Loser.
  19. Remember when Al tried the “ all over the joint” catch phrase?
  20. Oline you can complain about drops by everyone BUT Diggs you can complain about diggs? No.
  21. https://youtu.be/ZPje2LOWt_0
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