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Everything posted by AlfaBill

  1. Wrong. JA does this often. Sees the infraction, snaps the ball, tries to make the play and then makes his case to the ref. What the hell are you seeing? It’s great awareness.
  2. Still doing the Superman? Kind of embarrassing if you ask me.
  3. Again I hate that players celebrate EVERY play now. It’s childish
  4. Anyone else hate that every time a player gets a 1st down, they have to signal it???
  5. Why do they look got the big play? Take the underneath options. This team never learns.
  6. That’s the point. The Bills are better. Period. Pats have a great coach. That’s all.
  7. And the Bills could’ve won SB 25. What’s your point
  8. I’ve said it a few times and I’ll say it again. The BILLS are a much better team than the Pats* difference is coaching. Bills should beat the pats handily next game. Key word is should.
  9. All of the Herbert love is fine and dandy. Have you all noticed he has an actual run game that works? Do you know how much that helps a young QB? As good as he’s been playing it’s NOT all on him. He’s got a good offense around him.
  10. It’s not about having balls. Every game is different and every team has differences. Sometimes you go for it on 4th and sometimes you take the 3. It all depends on the game and the flow. Good coaches know it and feel it. Bad ones make the mistakes. My 2 cents.
  11. Analytics are for losers. I hate the term. I hate the FF sh1t. It’s really nerdy. Take the fn points.
  12. English a a dying language. Nah he sucks. Let’s keep changing HCs until we win a super bowl.
  13. Distinguish between his football achievements and off field issues. Ok. The ring should symbolize both. If you can’t see why a murderer should not be honoured, I feel sorry for you.
  14. He’s human scum. I don’t give a sh1t about his stats from 100 years ago. Any self respecting fan would not want this asshat associated with their favourite team.
  15. https://www.si.com/nfl/bills/news/on-further-review-buffalo-bills-have-legitimate-beef-with-nfl-officials
  16. So you are. Thanks for clarifying. Makes sense now.
  17. Ask him to be a super star is fine. And he is. Ask him to win each game on his own is not realistic. Your anti Josh sh1t is getting old. Go root for the Pats* jagoff Why are some of you so scared of the Pats*? They’re not that good. Buffalo should’ve beaten them last week if not not for poor coaching and dropped balls. Bills will beat them in foxborough. Watch and see. They’re an average team at a best that’s on a roll.
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