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Everything posted by AlfaBill

  1. It’s a GDT. Lots of knee jerk. Kinda the point. I don’t think anyone actually hates JA. He’s a good QB who’s still learning. He is having a below average game. This terrible OL a isn’t helping.
  2. Agreed. Makes no sense. I’m not a football guru or anything but jeez, quick slants, screens would seem to make sense.
  3. Not sure he had time to even get rid of it. Pocket collapsed very quickly.
  4. The difference being they played an excellent 2 nd half last week and deserved those calls. Today they shouldn’t need them. It’s maddening.
  5. Do you think that flag should’ve been thrown to extend that drive? When you need bad calls to move the ball, it’s not good. This team should not need these to win. They’re better than Carolina. That’s what it is.
  6. No. Josh looks like crap. Aside from being harassed almost every play, he’s missing on some easy passes
  7. Well wth did your expect! This crap? You must be Nostradamus. We ALL expected a nice run to the SB.
  8. Ok but it’s Carolina? I don’t expect a blow out BUT a easy win I would’ve thought.
  9. You’re right but the screen always seemed sloppy. FJ would pick up the yards but never cleanly. As least as I recall.
  10. What’s a screen? I haven’t seen the Bills run a nice screen since 34 was the half back. Seriously.
  11. I was wrong. This team won’t beat the Pats. They hanging in against a Cam led team with no FG kicker. embarrassing
  12. What’s funny? He makes huge plays on third. Diggs was great last year. He’s been good this year.
  13. QFT. Brady has the benefit of a great online, excellent receivers, referee assistance(yes he does). He is a smart QB though. JA is still learning the nuances and little things that’ll make him great.
  14. They’re chanting Bease. It’s not a boo. Where’d did this false narrative come from? How do you boo your best receiver?
  15. Wth is Jimmy Johnson taking about? Turn overs? That’s not the problem. It’s lack of a run game and a porous OL.
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