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Everything posted by Toomstone.Part.Duex

  1. Dr Greg House. My favorite show of all time Harvey Spector Suits Louis Litt Suits. at first you hate him. Then as the series goes on you love him. Ron Swanson Parks and Rec April Ludgate P and R Andy Dwyer P and R Phil Dunphy Modern Family Fraiser Crane Eric Taylor Friday night lights Tim Riggins FNL
  2. Bastard!! hahaha
  3. Tony's sister from Sopranos. She was also a Judge on some SVU episodes I think. Ross from Friends. Just want to slap him and tell him to grow a set! Dr Cameron from House. Newman from Seinfeld
  4. I really keep meaning to start watching this. I never saw an episode. I first saw Charlie Day in "Horrible Bosses" and thought he was hilarious. I'll have to watch this now. Another favorite of mine is Parks and Rec. I watched the whole series twice it's so good.
  5. Sammy Hagar, Mike Anthony, Jason Bonham, Joe Satriani.. "Best of all worlds" tour. A sort of VH tribute tour. http://www.redrocker.com/?fbclid=IwAR2o176lVtO7KWsGuoJM7mv4Oa5fztPGMhGOpCiGA3sWxt-qPFiUBor0pVU
  6. I was at the Bills Browns 6-3 shootout when Roscoe Parrish fumbled the punt inside the 20 or so with little time left in the game. Brownies came out and kicked the FG and won the game.
  7. That's my gamer handle on PS5. I'll get my Activision ID when I get home later
  8. Bought it. I love the DMZ Zombies. I loved the DMZ missions on Al Masra also. Hope they incorporate some regular DMZ. I started a BillsMafia group on there. If anyone wants to play sometime. Im Tombstone2112
  9. I agree with the OP. Redheaded women. I've dated a few in my time. Thicc women, I like the way the line runs up the back of the stocking (any VH fans will get that), Snickers, Pizza, a good cheeseburger, Drums, music, Mustangs, PS5, and The Bills.
  10. Sorry if this has been posted before.
  11. hahaha!! Yeah I guess so! So maybe it wasn't 20.
  12. I'm not buying it. There's a pic I saw of her from maybe 20 years ago and she was much smaller. Now they're huge!
  13. Douglas Highlights.
  14. No Chris Watson? Not only a "punt catcher" but also an all-world CB! 😄
  15. Bills 31 *ucs 28 Final seconds FG by Bass to boost the confidence of him and the team.
  16. The Why Files: https://www.youtube.com/@TheWhyFiles If you're into WW2 history this guy has a great channel. Mark Felton Productions: https://www.youtube.com/@MarkFeltonProductions True Crime your thing? This is a good one. He presents the story in a different way. Watch a few, especially if someone was done in for insurance money https://www.youtube.com/@ThatChapter Shawn Ryan show: https://www.youtube.com/@ShawnRyanShowOfficial Paranormal: These kids used to have a show on Travl channel. Destination Fear. The got cancelled and crowdsourced a new youtube channel. It's pretty good. https://www.youtube.com/@FearProject It's well done, not like Zac Baggins. I can't stand that guy. Music: Rick Beato: https://www.youtube.com/@RickBeato and since I play drums. https://www.youtube.com/@DrumeoOfficial Oh and last but not least: https://www.youtube.com/@PaigeSpiranac
  17. First Blood! My mom took my two older brothers and me. I was 10 at the time. She later said she didn't know it was R rated.
  18. Jim Irsay probably owns most of those. Wonder how much EVH's Frankenstrat would be?
  19. Captured https://www.cbsnews.com/philadelphia/news/danelo-cavalcante-update-captured-chester-county/
  20. Not really a commercial but a training video of some sort. It must be very important training, over 5 million people watched it with over 30k comments.
  21. I have no issue with it at all. I think the NFL should put something in place for games being cancelled and rescheduled. I hope and pray that it never has to be implemented but there should be a flex week at the end of the season for a cancelled game to be made up.
  22. Cover 1, Locked on, and Buffalo Plus. Anyone watch that? I like Mike Catalano, Dan and Jenna. She's easy on the eyes also.
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