Hard to believe that the football coaching ranks will be without Saban, Belichick, and Carroll next season.
Saban coached from 1973 - 2023, HC 1990 (Toledo) and then HC 1995 to 2023 (4 stops - MSU, Dolphins, LSU, BAMA), 7 National Championships
Belichick coached from 1975 - 2023, HC Browns (1991-1995), Pats (2000-2023), 6 Super Bowl Wins
Carroll coached from 1973-2023, HC Jets (1994), and HC 1997-2023 (3 Stops, Pats, USC and Seattle), I Super Bowl win
Didn't realize that Carroll was the Bills Secondary Coach in 1984.
I can't remember 3 more successful coaches "retiring" at the same time.