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Everything posted by Frat-Train

  1. You can’t see it because I’m at my reaction limit for the day as a rookie, but you’ve made my inner child grin very much!!! Cheers!!
  2. Mind = Blown!!! If I knew I’d start the day with a new wrinkle in my brain, I would’ve set my alarm for 9:30am and not 10!!!!
  3. Josh has earned the praise from fans and critics. Now he needs to silence his doubters once and for all.
  4. You know what’s not common cents? Canadian beaver nickels! Those things are pesky and disrupt the natural order of change! Fine... Lifetime supply of Genny Cream Ale it is! Done.
  5. I’m not at all opposed to Allen getting Mahomes money. Just try to make it team friendly if it’s possible, like Brady did for the Pats. That’s my only request. That and specific wording in the new contract that it’s voidable upon the discovered use of Ranch. But I believe the NFL zero tolerance policy towards controlled substances covers Ranch. We’re good.
  6. It’s definitely seasonal allergies. Definitely.
  7. I would forget about Zone or Man, honestly and try to focus on a more realistic defensive scheme... Like calling in sick or something.
  8. Probably already said, but Allen ends Brady’s reign in Tampa and rights 20 years of wrong, William Wallace style. Because freedom, war paint and Prima Nocta!
  9. Rhodes has been in decline the last few years, whereas Diggs has ascended. This is just my opinion, but I don’t look at it as a huge matchup. I think Diggs is still ascending.
  10. I wish both were still in their prime still. I’d lean heavily to Diggs though.
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