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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Has Dri Archer reported in yet? Asking for a friend.
  2. Ties to a Ukrainian National a Unifying Theme in Early Attacks on Trump The EpochTimes have done yeoman's work on this subject. Here's another. I saw this posted upstream, but it does belong here. WTF is with the Ukies? A Common Thread in Events Ahead of Mueller Report
  3. Yes. It’s a fascist dog whistle - the Star Spangled Banner.
  4. Hasn’t been the same since Alies and O’Rielly left in disgrace.
  5. Fox Business Channel is more conservative than Fox News is now.
  6. Things just haven't been the same since he left Hodor behind.
  7. Nope. Counter intelligence investigations are run by and for the President. Obama shut down the investigation of the ISIS drug running in South America. Nothing happened.
  8. Mose’ def. She arched skyward her pelvis to meet his savage thrusts which left her panting for breath when the act was completed. That damn chicken never knew what happened before it landed on the barbecue grill.
  9. Common Jim. She’s clean, articulate, (for a moron) and good looking. Why, she’s just the kind of piece of fluff that Uncle Joe would LOVE to sniff her hair and neck perfume while caressing and rubbing her shoulders. BIDEN 2020!
  10. There was NO COLLUSION. There can’t be “obstruction of justice” either. Obstruction of just happens in a criminal investigation or trial. The investigation into the Trump campaign was “counter intelligence” which is done on behalf of and for the protection of the President of the United States. Counter intelligence ops are directed by the POTUS and he can turn them off like a water faucet.
  11. I don’t want to live in an America that they would be comfortable living in.
  12. Spoken for truth. About 4-5 years ago, The Big Cat was a poster here who really did a cogent analysis of several years of NFL Schedules with the focus on The Bills and in particular how the Pats*** got extra time off WRT some key opponents. Ah showed how they played The Bills coming off NE’s bye week or a Thursday night game. It happened a half dozen times. The local sports wags who lurk around here eventually picked up the storyline and published it in their media. Some attention was given, eventually. And it hasn’t been quite as onerous as it had been since then. Hats off and a nod to The Big Cat, where ever he is.
  13. No worries. He had to piss in some more Dallas fans’ cornflakes. He’ll be here and will be a huge hit in Buffalo.
  15. No. It’s quite easy actually. Just pick a quote and begin nit picking and then nag your way to a heightened state of self-importance and moral authority.
  16. Right, like the French could even scramble and fill a plane in time. But an aerial dropping would have been the only way to at least partially contain the fire early on. The structure was too high for fire trucks and fire boats. Just hanging out there with fire hoses was completely ineffective. But don’t let me get in the way of your Trump bashing fun. I hope ole no one was injured or worse.
  17. I remember his rants, “You’re gonna die. You’re gonna DIE!” Scaring people on the coast during a hurricane that fizzled.
  18. Helicopter bucket drops from the nearby Seine could have helped. Roof was too high for the ground firemen to get water on the timbers. Ditto the fire boats in the Seine. Too high and far away. I weep for the loss of the Cathedral. It’s iconic and it’s loss is a human tragedy.
  19. Why, yes I just saw that of which you speak. Seems EIi’s cranky Canadian cousin skipped a stone off the flat plate that is his noggin. I’ll save him the trouble and put myself on ignore.
  20. It was actually a menu from Number One Chinese Restaurant in New York. Feds thought Moo Goo Gai Pan was code for me watchie longtime, see if anyboady pee at wong time.
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