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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Love that he has his soul mate POTUS Andrew Jackson’s portrait over looking him in the Oval Office.
  2. If that’s Katherine Moennig in the room? Jack should be afraid. Very afraid.
  3. Welcome back Omar, but that's not what happened. Not what happened at all. They weren't interested in the "dirt" and refused all "help" from the Russians. That's the facts. Don Jr. went to the meeting because he ran an adoption service for Russian babies and children for US adoptive parents. The Russians were there to get his support to have assurances that the "Majinsky Act" (sp?) would be dropped - or at least the name would be changed. Don Jr. walked out of the meeting. The Russians were also there to entrap Trump into a setup that made it look like collusion. Why didn't the FBI contact Trump to tell him that they thought the Russians were trying to tamper in his Campaign? Senator Diane Feinstein was notified by the FBI that her personal assistant and driver for 21 YEARS was an actual CHINESE SPY! She had to fire him. She had a Chinese spy on her payroll for 21 years!
  4. Right. And faced with almost certain annihilation in the morning, you’re going to leave this world as a virgin. More power to you. I’m with Arya. Get your rocks off and find out what the swizzle stick is that stirs the world’s cocktail. You’re a more complete human for doing so.
  5. He’s plodding and methodical, but full of facts and analysis that has an arc of centuries.
  6. You say that like it’s a bad thing. Arya and Gendry have had the hits for each other for years. She survives because she’s pregnant.
  7. Rudy having none of it. On a side note, now the changes at Fox are becoming much more clear, watch as Chris steps into his real skin as the true son of Mike.
  8. I hope all of those FBI agents get fired or demoted to the mail room and the reporters go to jail. Sounds fair - right? Romney might have been a more even-handed SC than Mueller, and Mittens despises Trump.
  9. “Now... The intelligence agencies are now taking more seriously the possibility that much of the dossier is the product of disinformation planted by Russian operatives, according to The Times. Now. Now. F ***** ing NOW? NOW!!! The incompetent mother ***** ers. The corrupt mother ***** ers.
  10. Absolutely stunning! FABULOUS!!! I have a new hero. Fantastic find DR. Great job !!! I highly recommend everyone spend the full 50 minutes and listen to and pay attention to Victor Davis Hanson’s assessment of President Donald Trump.
  11. What creates a draft bust? The player.
  12. He’s just not far enough Left for them. How DARE he be “uncertain” that single payer isn’t the best approach? The heretic!
  13. The reports and indictments can’t come soon enough for me. The Wild Wild Left will try to paint it as vindictive targeting of political enemies by Trump, but the cold hard truth is that both Horowitz and Huber have been at this for 2, 2 1/2 years already.
  14. The League announces that the Super Bowl Halftime show will feature the Robert Kraft surveillance film.
  15. I want The Bills to have 6 picks in the first round. They don’t have to all be in the top 10 though, 3 would be okay by me. Get ‘er dun Beane.
  16. That would be Samantha Power and Sally Yates for those of you keeping score at home.
  17. Yes. And here’s video proof as well as a good look at the DNC primary dynamics.
  18. You're damn straight you did. You TRESPASSED onto the roof of that building! However, Trump was attempting to use others to do his dirty deeds and not acting solo - per se.
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