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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. This is really something... they're trying a bit too hard to get it going, now aren't they.
  2. Exhale. Or as they say in Jersey, fuggettaboutit. He left a scar on your spiritual self. It'll never heal if you keep picking at its scab.
  3. Yes. It's Academy Award Winning level. FIFU Probably would have messed up Bran's eye-to-eye contact with the NK which was a ploy to keep him distracted until just the right moment. Also, Arya's training as a face stealer was not only in hand to hand combat but also in moving stealthily - especially in the dark. Remember when her older girl was chasing her down. Arya enters a dark room and seems cornered... Two assassins enter, one assassin leaves.
  4. I'm thinking that 2 dragons > The Golden Boys. Urine Greyjoy will get his comeuppance courtesy of his niece, and she takes over the navy. Perhaps there's still an undead or two that the North team can bring to have a personal meeting with Cercei... she seemed to be amused by the one she met at the end of Season 7. Cleagane Bowl in Episode 5 or 6? Can't wait for Sunday night to get here.
  5. Why would anyone believe there would never be more WWs and another NK? There could have have been a second made when the first was made or soon thereafter.
  6. I missed the first part last night. Why did Clegane freeze in the hallway?
  7. How much is a red nosed reindeer really worth in today’s NFL. anyway?
  8. ***** Josh Rosen. I hope he ends up on a situation on The View.
  9. Randle was a special person. The kind of energy and enthusiasm he had for the game was huge.
  10. Google Bleach. They're busy sanitizing everything they can.
  11. I wonder if the defense of these sewer rats will be that all this evidence has been put into the public record and has polluted the jury pool. We'll never be able to get a fair trial because everyone can see what we did. Presumably fleeing to VA where deviant Dems are a dime a dozen and fear no legal repercussions.
  12. His pre draft visit to Buffalo and his glowing comments on Kyle, and how he thinks he could start here right away. That’s why.
  13. Such a flurry of trades. I’m amazed and feel faint. I’ll have to retire to the bedroom now with Mrs Nanker and seek solace under the covers.
  14. He was the Aaron Maybin award winner in 2019.
  15. He’s wearing a sling/influenced jacket. Torn RC/Labrum?
  16. Wonder now if Beane hops back in to the bottom of the First Round and grabs a TR or WR.
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