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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. You expected Comey to be frog-marched out of his cushy CNN interview with Anderson CIAooper in handcuffs something? That’s not how this works.
  2. So that’s what they’re calling the backside of the road these days.
  3. Anyone else wonder how the opening credits graphics are so influenced by the graphics of Myst and Riven?
  4. DR, this happens to me a lot. I don’t see anything except space in some posts. Did you post a graphic? Looking on the iOS and Mac platforms. Sarcastic commenters and comments not appreciated.
  5. The real reason the Dems want the full report is to find out who is under criminal investigation and for what in order to allow their friends to plan their defense.
  6. Why, that would be West Eros - a hedonistically wild and unlawful place where just about anything goes - from flame throwing dragons, hot wenches, and wine... lots of wine. In other words, Hollywood.
  7. Sorry to bump this thread about this vacuous pretender and usurper of common sense, but this little story tells a lot about her. AOC Blown away by her first ever experience with a garbage disposal. And GHWB was crucified by his reaction at a supermarket checkout scanner.
  8. Bob Mueller is Mitt Romney’s spiritual twin. They’re both Never-Trumpers. Bob knows his pants and shoes are muddy. He did the maximum investigation possible even though it was apparent by the end of its first year that Trump was clean and they didn’t have a thing on him. Those bastards kept digging and digging all the while collecting their handsome pay and still came up with strunes. It must have been a boring hellish job to slog along like that and it had to be dispiriting knowing that they had nothing to show for their efforts after starting out so high and mighty leading the Lynch mob. I can can see why that pack of jackals slimed the final report like they did. It was the ONLY way they could continue besmirching the POTUS and his administration. May they all all rot in Hell. Mueller is no white hat.
  9. So when does Flynn go to prison? Asking for a friend.
  10. Why, that could be the Democrat Party’s 2020 Platform. FORWARD!!!
  11. Oh, me thinks they’ve done a pretty good job of it. Can’t say that I’m eager to see much more of him.
  12. Wow! Sounds fabulous CGF. Safe travels and have a blast. Take LOTS of photos. Cheers to you!
  13. Humana hummana hummana! Nah-nah-nah-nah-nah!
  14. It’s not true. She was offered a SCOTUS seat if she played along and Fang was elected.
  15. So it looks like the steps to the Lincoln Memorial? $20 all in.
  16. Heard a talk by a NE sportscaster (retired) who said he might come back after mid-season.
  17. I beat that shite every time. I’m a blur on the keyboard. :lol: Thumb texting - not so much.
  18. I’m ready. I’m more than ready. And I want it to be painful and mind wrecking for the plotters.
  19. He must be using talk-to-text. I'm no spring chicken, and I type >100 words a minute at a keyboard. I do about 20 WAM chicken pecking with my thumbs on a iPhone (and I hate typing that way).
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