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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Take a deep breath and live... please. Congrats on the sale and move. We retired two years ago. We built a house on The Cape and it was ready by the time we got here. Closed on the Princeton house on a Monday and closed on the new house that Thursday. Thing is, with the closing dates being so close together we decided to apply for a mortgage just in case the sale of our old house got delayed. What an unbelievable hassle. They ask for more documentation than a Special Council. Everything had to be explained, documented, and verified. We even had to get our banks to get us photocopies of some large checks with all the signatures on them. So, my wife retired on the 4th of the month. She could have chosen any date though. So about two days later our lender drops a bomb on us that my wife would be required to get a letter from her employer confirming that she still worked there. Luckily the sale and closing went through okay and we didn’t need a mortgage on the new house. But it was tense for several days. Congrats on that. Sounds like a good move. Temecula baby!
  2. About 30 million fewer Americans by just those raw stats alone. Of course those 30 million would have produced several more millions over time - if they ever had the chance.
  3. Finally, a candidate differentiates himself from the pack! He should win it all handily. Well, maybe not. But I’m sure there’s a place for him in Virginia.
  4. What role do abortions have in the declining birth rate?
  5. One could also make a case that there is only one half of a Lannister left as well. You forget that Cersei borrowed yet again from the Iron Bank to buy the services of Harry Strickland and the Golden Company. The iron Bank will have it’s due.
  6. Why, that would be Trump of course. He refuses to this day to admit that Hillary won. And just look at how his refusal has torn this country in two.
  7. Three and a half Starks remaining - Sansa, Arya, Bran, and Jon. One and a half Targarians remaining - Dany, and Jon. One Lannister remains - Tyrion. Will the last Lannister pay the family’s debt to the Iron Bank of Bravos?
  8. Late to the party. Thems must be Texas Jew-boys, as Kinky Big Dick Freeman would say. Line dancin’ at a BarMitzvah. Clinton’s again. Is there nothing those grifters wouldn’t pawn to line their own pockets? White hill trash. Plastic. Why did it have to be plastic? All these years I’ve envisioned it being a paper straw. BTW, those humps look like the Sierra Nevada mountain range. Spoken for truth. They need to give up some of their plotters and all the royalties to The Beatles and Rolling Stones songs and the entire James Bond series of movies. Oh, and throw in the Monty Python syndicate to boot. And of course, the Benny Hill library as well.
  9. Frankly, I wouldn’t mind seeing him in a head vise with Henry Hill and Tommy Devito at the handle.
  10. Could be a good pickup for The Sabres. Tempting. Very tempting.
  11. The Democrats colluded with Russia, and now they’re obstructing justice. Simple as that. Oh, and they SPIED on political adversaries and broke a few dozen laws in a felonious manner. Their just rewards are about to be served - in a cold manner.
  12. I think the end of Euron was apropos to that mad little *****. He sneaks up on Jamie (the bastard always sneaked up on his foes) and even though he himself is mortally wounded, ironically proclaimed, “I’m the man who killed Jamie Lannister!” No you’re not you twit. You were nothing more than a sniveling cretin with delusions of grandeur bubbling through that fat head of yours. You fit right in with this crowd. You didn’t get to live with Cersei, and Jamie killed you. She died in essentially a bunker with her capital in flames and crumbling down around her. You know who else died in a bunker with their capital in flames and crumbling down around them?
  13. Dany will try to kill everyone who betrayed her... Tire-iron the Imp, and Jon Boy have worked their way to the top of that list. The rest of the Starks would be up next because they don’t know how to curtsy to a proper batshit crazy megalomaniac narcissistic sociopathic wannaqueenbee. Arya takes her out after Jon gets chopped for killing her last dragon. Iron throne gets busted up for good. Sansa rules the North, and Arya decides to become a proper lady and joins the Baratheon Bastard in his part of the new world. You're welcome. I just saved you the bother of watching the final episode. Fabulous episode last night. How many billions will be glued to their screens next week. Has anybody heard if HBO actually made any money on this series? Asking for a friend.
  14. So, has Jerome Corsi been tried, convicted, sentenced, and imprisoned yet? Asking for a curious Leftist. Oh, and what about Flynn. What jail is he serving his sentence in?
  15. From the sale of aborted children’s body parts of course.
  16. I’ll take the first one - with the large breasts, please.
  17. Eye no. The Big Cat went to Geneseo IIRC and was a communications major or some such thing. He moved to Shoe Ka Go after graduating. We had a few conversations on the big board. It’s more writing style and just a hunch. TBC wasn’t at all a bad guy, but a guy with different opinions. Eye shudda thunk about dat firstest.
  18. W gave everybody he worked with a nickname. Hey, the Dems, Leftists, and pundits have called him “Hitler, a traitor, Putin’s puppet/lapdog/B word, Despicable, Incompetent, Sleazy, Whoremonger, Liar in all things, and more. So now you’re upset with name calling? What, me worry? You think you’ve got a chance? I busted your chops as unmercifully as I could when you started posting here as Gary Busey. You deserved every bit of it. You still in Chicago? I think you’re actually The Big Cat. You write like he did. One of the best things you/he did was a live tv report on Sarah Palin’s Book signing at Southtown Plaza.
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