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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Tape a sign to their front door: PLEASE BE COURTEOUS TO YOUR CHRISTIAN NEIGHBORS. Many Christians live in this neighborhood and consider Islam to be a hateful religion. As a courtesy to them please don’t send money to Hamas and keep away from the Christians in the neighborhood.
  2. I’m for the mass incarceration of all of those on that list. Let them each serve the time of some felon of their choice and let the criminal run free to live in their political savior’s house for the remainder of their sentence.
  3. Let’s start calling them “Fraudulent Immigrants”, because that’s what they are.
  4. Maybe a mod merged it with “The Danger of Our New Normal” thread. Then again, run away is a SOP for many of the drive by and stealth helicopter posters.
  5. Minoru Yamasaki designed the World Trade Towers. He was a “Screen Artist” taking from the works of Le Coubusier. All three were geniuses.
  6. Dany’s brother got what he wanted - a gold crown. Maybe Dany gets what she wants but then gets to be with her Dothraki husband and child.
  7. Sounds like another mad woman that has no regard for common folk and who lusts for power. The supporters of those mad women seem to think and behave alike too. They’re heavily invested in fantasy.
  8. What scholarly papers, tomes, or books did this POS author? What proof - other than Michael Beschloss’s bizarre proclamation that “he’s quite possibly the most intelligent President we’ve ever had.” The jug-eared stuttering doofus was constantly tongue tied when he was without a TelePrompter. He’s a vacuous self-aggrandizing fool with delusions of grandeur. I used to call him Pitney Swope, but he’s really more a mix of that and Chauncey Gardner. Now were here finding out - to little surprise- that he’s been selling out the country on the scales of the Clintonista regime. ***** them all. I’m tired of this *****. And I’m tired of playing nice. Cry havoc! And let slip the dogs of war.
  9. They’re continuing to obstruct investigations and are refusing to accept the results of our last presidential election - a cornerstone of our democratic republic.
  10. Of course the mother should have the right to have her baby killed after it’s born. What if it came out the wrong color? Heaven forbid!
  11. And whine. Don’t forget about whining. Piss and moan and whine about others sharing links to informative articles that are germane to the topics in a thread - like it’s the downfall of human civilization and a hallmark here at PPP. SDS should rename PPP The Whine Cellar.
  12. The real Nazis would have melted you three quicker than you could say, Dracarys.
  13. Bet McButterpants would have been first in line to get shoved in to a German oven.
  14. So, if they score high/low? enough do they just get handed their diploma or do they actually have to attend some classes first - you know - like Obama did.
  15. That The Hill piece DR linked directly above is a must read. It's third and long for Comey, and the LineBackers are blitzing - as well as both Safeties.
  16. Fuc k off shite for brains. I renamed this thread and I don't watch Hannity and I'm not impressed by that whiny bit ch.
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