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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. I blame George Romney - Mitt’s dad. He was an old school gentleman and likely the richest man to run for POTUS up until that time. (JFK’s money was his father’s). He released quite a few of his returns which showed him to be very wealthy, but it revealed nothing else. That became the de facto standard until the iconoclast disruptor JDT came on the scene. He’s the FIRST “Republican“ to stand up to the Democrat cowards and sleaze merchants and refuses to play their rigged games by their rigged rules. He’s a streetwise fighter and doesn’t take s ***** from anybody - even people as nice as plenzmd1. Then you have a remedy. Just don’t vote for him in 2020.
  2. Trump’s covering up for not having the funds to bankroll the infrastructure plans that they had in the works. Of course, Nancy holds the “purse strings” and President Donald J. Trump only can sign legislation that both houses pass. So obviously he’s covering up that he refuses to usurp the Legislature’s duty to pass funding for our nation’s needs. The fiend!
  3. Eric, You're driving down the highway using your rear view mirror to figure out how to stay in your lane. Whatever you do, don't look ahead through the windshield to see what's coming. You'll do fine just knowing where you've been.
  4. Nadler looks like he lives under a bridge and steals lunch money from grammar school kids.
  5. Mead107 must be asleep. I’ll step in for him. ????????????????????????????????????????????????
  6. Congratulations on getting your GED. It's not an easy achievement and I'm certain you worked very hard to attain it.
  7. I liked Sue. She was extremely proud of her Bills. Her tag said something like, "I live here in the sick land of Gang Green." She was unabashedly pro Bills. I was sad when she took a lot of grief for a post she made while going to college. The fall out was that we lost a true blue Bills fan. RIP Sue. 59 is way too young.
  8. How simplistically childish. You have any Fraggle Rock analogies to share (inappropriately I might add). Maybe after binge watching Mr. Roger’s neighborhood episodes you can come back and post something more intelligent and germane. Oh, I know. It’ll be “Faux News!” How original.
  9. He’s noteworthy because he’s going to lose his seat and is pandering for votes.
  10. You are right, but it does require Congress to act and THEN if impeachment is passed, the Senate holds a trial. No way in hell that they convict him on grounds that he made you feel bad or he has two scoops of ice cream. Dream on TDS victims.
  11. Dems are such losers. They don’t know how to govern. All they can do is sit on their asses and kabitz about losing the election to Orange Man.
  12. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA No collusion. No obstruction. Loser T Party critter reaching out to the fractionated constituency of LGBTHMPAACC that so infest his district.
  13. Heard his native country is bug-tussling the US for extradition rights. Thought his rape charges there were expired.
  14. Absolutely. And life imitates art.
  15. Joe Biden is like a week old cold meatloaf sandwich. The bread is soggy and the meat is smelling rancid.
  16. Still no collusion, but lots of anger and confusion on the Left. Leftists are such losers.
  17. It’s an ancient tactic. See Aristophanes’ Lysistrata.
  18. World’s largest Ureteric Stone Removed by Da Vinci Previous record was from Utah. No word on how Romney is recovering from that.
  19. Face it fat boy. You’re a worthless piece of s *****. You add nothing to the dialogue here. In fact, you detract from it.
  20. Wonder how many teeth he lost on that shot. I hope he got back at it and fired the rest of the magazine. He needs the practice.
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