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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Maybe it should be: "Democracy Dies in Declassified Docs" "Darkness says, 'Don't do it'."
  2. Hard exit. It's the only way.
  3. White pine trees are the worst. They cover everything with a yellow-green blanket of pollen. Theyre just getting active now in now in my part of the world.
  4. You think Knox not being signed is an issue - the Rams haven’t signed a single one of their draft picks yet. https://nfltraderumors.co/2019-nfl-draft-results-by-team/
  5. Whoa. This hurts. RIP Bart.
  6. F ‘em. We’ve already got our grammar school kids working on it. They’ve developed SUBMARINES already and these will enable us to take all of their Moo Shu Pork, and just will they be then? Back to fried wontons - that’s where. Hell, I did some of the prototype work on this back in the 1950s. Round-eye win again, Johnny Chinaman! You muss tri hadar.
  7. Thanks so much, OP. Now none of us need to bother to watch or listen to that game. What a time saver you’ve provided us with. We’ll be forever in your debt.
  8. MSNBC had to break away for a bombshell breaking news report that Michael Avanetti claims he is innocent and will be suing President Trump to force him to give him a pardon. Film at 11.
  9. Good. Then bring it on. Payback it isn’t. It’s giving them what they earned. And it’s going to be painful and shocking to many.
  10. Religious freedom means the religion of Climate Change is freely espoused by all good Leftists. All others need not apply.
  11. And Nadler’s near fainting or swooning spell when he sat too close to Mayor Bill D’Blahblahblah and inhaled too much of his fetid stench.
  12. That fat f ***** er was just down a quart of 30 weight Mobile 1. He forgot where he put it - strapped to his ankle so he couldn’t lose it. He he should stick to the salad side of the buffet banquets that he frequents for a week or so at least.
  13. Excuse me, but I’ll wait till it goes on sale at Walmart.
  14. She obviously downed half a handle of Jack just before grabbing the mike. Ladies and gentlemen, our US Speaker of the House!
  15. Democrats are worthless fools that don’t know how to govern.
  16. He belongs in The Hall of Duper. End of story. I’ll drink champagne when his vote tally falls short... every year.
  17. This sleaze is a suck-ass of the first order. CNN tossed Alan Dershowitz -ALAN DERSHOWITZ! for this PUTZ!!!???
  18. When you find that, can I have the next one? I’d like to give each of them a “shot”.
  19. JFK put his assets into a (I believe), a Revocable Trust that put control of his assets out of his direct control and with that of the Trustee. IIRC, DJT did a similar transaction in that all of his businesses and their interests were already in a trust, and he stepped away from direct involvement in them. I believe Jr. is the Trustee at this point. Did anyone one question the Kennedys skim off the top of every bottle of Scotch that’s been imported into the USA since Joe was the Ambassador to the Court of King James in the 1930s? How about the Chicago Mercantile connections? Can we look back at FDR’s grandfather who make their family’s fortune in the China/India opium trade? When does the movement to rename Washington some feels good name like Sparta, or Planned Utopia, or Indigenous Peoplia, or Stuff-a-pole-up-yer-azz-land, or Were Not Worthyia? Its only a matter of time.
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