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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. So you’re saying there’s another side to the story? But he’s guilty - right? I mean they said so on the Internet.
  2. Joe Biden, his son and Ukraine Joe Biden’s son and China There are ample stories about their apparent graft and corruption. Banks make business loans based on the soundness of the investment and the business plan of the applicant as well as the proven (in minds of the loan officer and the committee reviewing the application) ability to meet the repayment terms.
  3. He’s talking to his bathroom mirror and thinks he looks really really smart and compassionate. He doesn’t realize that he didn’t wear pajamas last night and everyone can see he has a tiny peepee. He’s a joke, a mother f ***** ing joke.
  4. This must be the response that 26CP said he was waiting for (with unbated breath) when a black man called out Amashedpotato about his irrational criticism of POTUS Trump. I see that he’s yearning for us all to watch the leprechaun’s show tonight. Lets all get in our jammies stoke up the fire in the fireplace, and get some hot chocolate so we can watch with bated-breath the “news” (that we’ve known about for over a year) that the Republican Presidential Campaign was SPIED upon by the FBI! Oh Lordy! Wish we had known about this sooner!
  5. Well, aren’t you the lucky idiot for watching the Whiner. Good luck to you and your never-ending search for the truth about OrangeManBad! I’m certain that if you just keep reading that Manhattan phone book’s white pages you’ll get to the bottom of this. And, when you do, forward your findings to Adam Schiff - he’s the Congresscritter who (thinks he) has the same authority as the USAG. HE’s all seeing, all knowing and all smelly It is your civic duty comrade 26CP. You must inform the PROPER authorities about any possible wrongdoing by Republicans. There is no let-up against their evil plans to MAGA.
  6. Why do you waste your time with that whiner? He’s been 12-18 months behind the real news that’s been revealed right here. I haven't watched that leprechaun in nearly three years. Business cable shows are where the news breaks faster and you get both sides of the story. But you knew that already.
  7. So honestly 26CopyPaste do you really think the upper echelons of the CIA, FBI, DOJ, and NSA as well as the DNC, CLINTON CAMPAIGN, Fusion GPS, Christopher Steele, Misfud, MI5/6, and a host of other political charlatans have no culpability and are blameless and pure as the newly driven snow? The facts show that the Trump Campaign was set up like bowling pins by some evil and nefarious political and governmental pigs.
  8. You are a worthless piece of human excrement in shoes. And you’re probably not wearing shoes. You draw breath, but you’re really a dead soul with no purpose in life but to run around naked so you can show off the feces that you cover yourself with. Your mouth is an anus.
  9. Even talking about it is how you get more Trump.
  10. I think MS Word used to be able to check your work, analyze it and give it a grade level. Maybe it was WriteNow.
  11. Oh, that we could put a big white tarp over some of the looney Leftist posters here.
  12. Last time I dumped my cookies it was because of a bad plate of moo shu pork. You always have good grammar... dear.
  13. Here's the 15 count indictment: Orange Man Bad Orange Man Bad Orange Man Bad Orange Man Fired Comey Orange Man Fired Rosenstein Orange Man Fired Mueller Orange Man Started War with North Korea Orange Man Started War with China Orange Man Started War with Iran Orange Man Cut our taxes Orange Man Dissed Sidney Orange Man Plays Golf Orange Man is Rich Orange Man is Racist - he only gave Mexico one letter in the USMCA title while Canada and the US got two! Orange Man Bad
  14. Now which Creepy Porn Lawyer are we talking about here - Stormy's legal counsel or Joe Biden?
  15. You're a bag of smelly compost wasting our time here and providing a background stench of hate, division, and deranged lies.
  16. Comey’s going down like Stormy Daniels and her scum-sucking ####### lawyer Avanetti.
  17. Same thing happened at the end of W’s last term. They CHEERED economic bad news. Testing, testing, test. This is only a test. Quoting you from an iPhone (thumb typing). Bluenose Oh please. Jack up the matching 401k contribution quite a bit, but hell no to pensions.
  18. He was taking some time off the grueling campaign trail. He was at his favorite Florida haunt.
  19. Thank God he’s not a strong-armed check down artist like Bledsoe. I like his aggressive approach to the game. We don’t need another disappointing statue at QB.
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