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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. I don't need a lecture from you about this subject. Thank you. It was a construct to build a viable competitor to the United States Of America... to whit The "United 'States' of Europe." A lot of it was focused around making AirBus viable and a competitor to Boeing. The Brits never bought into it wholesale as they shunned the Euro and kept the Pound Sterling in (its rightful place). Just curious -- have you ever tried to go to France, England, Germany, Russia, China, India, or any other country in the world (save perhaps Canada) without a passport and perhaps a visa?
  2. Just don't let him leave to play goalie somewhere.
  3. Lots of Indians are in this country too. Lots of IT jobs are staying here. Many companies have learned that India isn't another way to spell panacea.
  4. The burdened vessel is the one that is overtaking another vessel. Commies are wrong here - in a large way.
  5. The job market is tightening. More skilled laborers are needed. Companies aren't going to hire Spanish-only speaking immigrants from Guatemala to fill a programming position. They would hire them to pull wire in the past. Now the world's gone wireless.
  6. From your link: "During the CBS interview, Barr revealed Durham picked up the FISA and surveillance components from Utah U.S. Attorney John Huber, whose work was put on hold pending DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz's findings from his ongoing review. Huber, Barr said, “was essentially on standby” in case Horowitz “referred a matter to him to be handled criminally.” Horowitz's investigation is expected to be completed shortly."
  7. https://www.babycenter.com 14 weeks Your baby's kidneys are producing urine, and he releases it into the amniotic fluid. He can make facial expressions and may have discovered thumb-sucking. 15 weeks Your baby can see light that filters in from outside your womb, even though her eyelids are still shut. 16 weeks Your baby's sex may be detectable at your mid-pregnancy ultrasound, which typically happens between 16 and 20 weeks. 18 weeks If you haven't felt your baby move yet, you probably will in the next few weeks. It'll take a couple of weeks longer for other people to feel your baby's movements from the outside. 19 weeks Your baby can hear your heartbeat and sounds that come from outside your body, such as your partner's voice. Her skin is wrinkly and is covered by a protective, waxy coating. She measures about 6 inches from head to bottom and weighs about 8 1/2 ounces. 23 weeks Your baby's sense of movement has developed, so he can feel the motion if you dance. His sense of hearing continues to improve. You may sometimes be able to see him squirming under the surface of your belly. 24 weeks Your baby's taste buds are developing. Her brain is growing very quickly, and her hair may be growing, too. She's almost a foot long and weighs just over a pound. 27 weeks Your baby's lungs are developing but won't be fully functional for several more weeks. He's "practicing" for life on the outside by inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid, sleeping and waking up at regular intervals, opening and closing his eyes, and sucking his fingers. Third trimester 28 weeks Your baby may be dreaming. She has eyelashes, and her eyesight is improving. Billions of neurons are developing in her brain. She weighs about 2 1/4 pounds and is about 15 inches long, head to heel. 32 weeks He's grown cute little fingernails and toenails. Your baby is also starting to plump up in preparation for birth. He's almost 17 inches long (head to heel) and weighs about 3 3/4 pounds. 34 weeks Your baby's lungs and central nervous system are continuing to develop. Her skin has become soft and smooth, and she's filling out and getting even rounder. She's almost 18 inches long and weighs about 4 3/4 pounds. 37 weeks Your baby is now considered "early term." Babies born now usually do well, but ideally he'll stay in your womb for a couple more weeks to give his brain and lungs time to fully mature. 39 weeks Your baby is now considered full-term and is ready for life outside the womb. The average weight of a newborn is about 7 1/2 pounds, and the average length is about 20 inches. 41 weeks You've passed your due date and your baby is now considered "late term." (If you're still pregnant at 42 weeks, she's "post term.") Your baby's health may be monitored with tests such as a nonstress test or biophysical profile. To avoid complications, your doctor will probably talk to you about inducing labor in the next week or two. Not sure if it's really a human, are you.
  8. Can’t find it ‘cause I’m on my thumb Typer (phone). But I made a post about it previously. Just my sarcasm servo motor kicking in. 3rdand looooooong and I go way back. Just busting with him. The jist of it was the American media would probably excoriate him for daring to mention those old fashioned and discredited concepts all the while not knowing what the context was, yet alone who the author was. Of course then, once they got “woke” they’d try to nail him for “plagiarism.”
  9. Have you ever seen a more punchable face? Now, I ask you.
  10. Sure, I get that. But if anyone would go to 42nd Street and FDR Drive and turn over some tables it would be Trump. He's an iconoclast who's not afraid of talking tough when it comes to the US getting screwed over.
  11. Who else has Covington represented - Richard Jewel, Raymond Donavan, the Duke LaCross team?
  12. Nothing has worked so far. The Mexicans could give two pesos about the hundreds of thousands of illegitimate asylum seekers flooding into our country. They see it as the gringo's problem - not theirs. So, Trump's making it their problem. Why hasn't the US petitioned the United Nations to establish refugee camps in Honduras, Guatemala, and Mexico to house the refugees from Nicaragua, Honduras, and Guatemala? That's what's supposed to happen - the refugees have to seek asylum in the next country to the one they're fleeing from. Instead we get chains of people and when they get to Mexico, they're put on trucks, trains, and busses and brought hastily to the US border. Ándale! Ándale! Ándale!
  13. It's fine. She went to Lenny's, so now she's up-to-date and a bonafide expert.
  14. You add nothing to the debate here. You just come to hurl insults, so you get the same in return. This place is a house of mirrors.
  15. Trump’s afraid to face him in a one-on-one debate on MSNBC.
  16. Awwww, poor Christopher Steele. I feel so bad for him. I wish his troubles would just be put to rest with nine grams of lead. Have you ever seen a more punchable face on the Intarwebs?
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