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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. When the Republicans regain the House majority, they should investigate John Dean and demand he show them all of his tax returns since Watergate.
  2. Yes, of course. From now on any Bills fan that throws a giant ***** on the field when the Pats* “O” is on the field will be taken to midfield, stripped naked, and deflowered with self-same thrown *****.
  3. Jim Acosta is mentally disturbed. He is a self-absorbed narcissist who is incapable of putting his biases on the back burner for even a second. No, he holds them up as virtues and snivels at all non-believers as he continuously rails against the duly elected President of the United States Donald J Trump. He’s nearly sociopathic.
  4. I thought it was four. The last one was a self inflicted shot to his azz or maybe he ripped the skin on his trigger finger when shooting the VC teenager in the back as he was fleeing for his life. Ginghiss Kahaaan.
  5. He should seek the LGBTXYZ Party’s nod. He’s been polishing their nob recently.
  6. Thank heavens! I just might possibly get a good night’s rest tonight.
  7. She’s a coward. She’s probably never been in a debate in her life.
  8. Extremely sorry that I missed the conversation of the Yorkshire men until just now. However, that said, MAGA! Viva la Trump! Viva la Trump Tariffs! You kicked Mexico into stop grabbing America by the *****!
  9. THANK YOU PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DONALD J. TRUMP! You showed these mealy-mouthed losers how to protect America’s sovereignty. Talk loudly and carry a massive stick! MAGA!
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