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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Avignon is particularly nice at this time of the year.
  2. Found it. Milo Cress’s science project when he was 9 years old pulled a number out of thin air. But it it still doesn’t explain how the straws get into the Pacific Ocean. Maybe he can turn his focus on a real problem like empty Nip bottles that litter our roadsides.
  3. Explain to me like I’m five, just exactly how do those straws get from the land of California all the way out into the middle of the North Pacific Ocean. I’m curious.
  4. https://www.teenvogue.com/contributor/dr-tlaleng-mofokeng Dr. Tlaleng Mofokeng! Are you fokeng kidding me?
  5. Well, they had lots of practice doing that back then.
  6. And we excoriate China for doing this very thing.
  7. Safe travels. No kidding. He’s the worst. Showed up with a potty mouth that has non-stop diarrhea. He’s the first I ever put on ignore. He’s a boorish goon with no redeeming values.
  8. A much better question in my mind is, will New England DIE? This could be the year/season.
  9. Sounds like Bills fans are going to have to get used to a new way of looking at football. AIR IT OUT!!!
  10. You forgot to mention the Maserati and Lamborghini. Those were the sticking points. IIRC.
  11. From DR’s link above... “In July 2016, the Obama administration accepted unsolicited information from Alexander Downer, an Australian diplomat who just happened to have helped arrange a $25 million government donation to the Clinton Foundation years before. Downer said that he had witnessed a Trump campaign aide, George Papadopoulos, bragging about some dirt that the Russians supposedly had on Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton. Though Downer’s claim was reported two-plus months after the alleged event, and was only hearsay gathered at a London tavern, the Obama administration gave it to the FBI which, in turn, thought it was weighty enough to justify opening a counterintelligence case against the lawfully elected Republican nominee for president. In other words, the Democratic administration accepted dirt from a foreign friendly and used it to justify investigating its GOP rival. And then, OMG, they did it again just a few weeks later.”
  12. Ireland is a particularly lovely country.
  13. I have zero respect for Wesley Clark. That’s even less than I have for George McClellan.
  14. Woke up to the glorious news that Boston lost! Cant wait to see some of my NE neighbors and revel in schadenfraude.
  15. He/she/it only sees bad things in the world. At least that the perspective when a Republican is President. All is rosy and glowing when a Democrat is the POTUS. Its very tiring - the incessant negativity and automatic gainsaying day after day after day. The ignore feature was tailor made for that kind of insolent ignorance.
  16. A close family member worked on the clinical trials that brought Ipilumimab to the arsenal in the war against cancer. Thanks for posting that article. It’s a great read.
  17. FORWARD ON TO A WORKER’S PARADISE!!! Communism for everyone - but first - Socialism!!!
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