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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. LOL. First thing I thought of when I read about the Ethiopian coup. The Arc of the Covenant and the Holy Grail. Nelson DeMille wrote (re-wrote actually) a yarn about this - The Quest. It's absolutely not one of his best efforts. Actually, he wrote it a long time ago and rewrote it and published it in 2016.
  2. You don’t like his tone or messaging style. Fine. Deal with it. That’s what the Left’s mantra has been for decades to people who believe the discourse/moral values/societal fabric was being torn asunder. Now we we have a “Republican” POTUS who is iconoclastic and the Left is SUDDENLY concerned about decorum. After what the Left has brought this culture to, it laughable. Just plain laughable.
  3. You’re begging me to bring back the Gary Busey memes.
  4. Trump is an iconoclast. You mean to say that after the Left’s decrying and denying for decades the validity of the middle class’s railing against sex, violence, murder, gunfights, sociopathic behaviors, macabre sexual fetishes on TV, the movies, music, theatre and the arts, because they were having a damaging effect on society, that NOW there are actually people who believe that what is said and how it is said in the public forum can have a deleterious modifying effect on our societal behaviors? Zut Alors! All I can offer is the response we heard for all those decades: No one is forcing you to watch it. If you don’t want you or your children to hear or see it - change the channel. She’s eagerly looking forward to the secondaries, no doubt.
  5. Gosh, over 300 posts now already. Isn't it about time for another screen name change?
  6. "Shanahan denied hitting her and told police that she was the aggressor and that she had punched him “10 to 20 times,” according to police records obtained by USA TODAY. Officers – noting in part that Jordinson’s bloody forearm appeared consistent with her having attacked her husband – arrested Jordinson on suspicion of domestic violence. Prosecutors later dropped the charge, citing a lack of evidence."
  7. Good luck and best wishes for all the Bills rookies in the class of 2019. I hope they all succeed and become valued members of the community.
  8. If you ever get the chance to hang out with the fire department and the police department you should do it. They have incredibly interesting and dangerous jobs. More people could benefit by having a relationship with those folks.
  9. Obviously Oliver is obviously a bust already as obviously he hasn’t produced obviously a single sack yet. Obviously.
  10. An excellent read. I’ve long thought that this movement is literally a new age secular religion. Quillette is is new to me, so thanks for that intro.
  11. Jim, don’t bother. He’s a worthless piece of excrement in shoes. Maybe he isn’t even wearing shoes.
  12. He wasn't a journalist. He was a spy. He was murdered, just like all the US human assets that were murdered because of Hillary's recklessness and Obama's other administration officials who unmasked our Korean and Chinese human assets.
  13. Liberalism is a mental disease. Can pot cure that? Asking for a friend.
  14. Looks as though she missed a fetal extracted penal gland injection.
  15. Weather Reporters forecasting rain. For example, a 20% chance of rain tomorrow. Theyre broadcasting out out to hundreds of miles. Is it 20% likely that your own particular area will get rained on, or is it 100% likely that 20% of their broadcast area will get rain? Or is it likely that 20% of their entire broadcast area will see 100% rain?
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