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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. It wasn’t important then, but it is now. So, shaddup!
  2. 14 on each side. What demented fiend would do to such an innocent. Rot in Hell (if/when convicted).
  3. ButtPlug has a *****-stained mouth, a sore rectum, and a perverted sense of what is largely considered “normal” in America. I don’t give two ***** for his sexual orientation or his proclivities to stuff objects up his fundament the “wrong way” in order to gain his sexual gratification. I support his right to take as much #### up his azz as he (or his many partners) want. He can shower his face, chest, throat, and azz with the ***** of a thousand men for all I care. But he he is in no way the arbiter of morality in America today.
  4. Can’t wait for Knoblowchular to reveal the spit roast videos. They’ll have more weight than the Peeing Proatitutes of St. Petersburg Hotel Bill is a shriveled prune. He’s been sucked dry. Careful. She might throw the race/planned parenthood/sexist/anti Jamaican card against your azz. And the current POTUS hasn’t undergone an incessant barrage of ad hominem attracts. Makes one wonder what hailstorm of media attacks await the next holder of that office. Yep. Like, they’ve done so well after the last 200 + years of Democrat plantation management.
  5. Wrong. He had the sickest play-action fake I’ve ever seen. He had a great arm and was a budding star. Unfortunately for him and The League, he busted up his shoulder and after the (old school) surgery, he could hardly throw the ball any more. His talent was undeniable.
  6. And he’s the target of Buttaplug. The ineffective mayor of an insignificant city has a jihad going against Pence and all Christians. He’s the only candidate trying to delegitimize Christianity. How far the Leftists have come. Embrace their rainbow coalition Climate Change religious dogma or face public scorn.
  7. Joe Biden is as phony as his glow-in-the-dark dentures and his Villages tanning salon complexion. Chalk one up for Christianity as ButtPlug got killed last night. Actually, it was more like a suicide.
  8. They were too busy watching while eating popcorn and taking notes to see which one would promise the most free stuff to everyone in North America.
  9. And he’s 100% correct in that. Its truly great that he’s inside your head so deeply. Only a few more posts as d you’ll be ready for the rubber room next to Tibs. Keep #RESISTING. It’s so patriotic to openly deny his Presidency, and work against the peaceful transfer of power. It’s inspirational to us all and especially to youngsters. It’s a new paradigm that you and your filthy ilk are foisting on our society and culture.
  10. Right. Just remember what Bernie said about communism. “It was good that they had bread lines. That meant that they had food.”
  11. IIRC, he was smacked by a Brownie and was never the same after that. I think the Stealer hit came in a warmup game. It ruined his rookie season and beyond. Edit: Just looked it up. The Big hit was in the Cleveland warmup game and followed by the past useless game against the Stealers. However, I do believe they scrimmaged the Browns at the Browns that summer.
  12. You don’t remember Sammy Watkins getting shellacked by a Browns CB in a scrimmage? Totally imploded his rookie year. One of the last years Jerry Butler was with us, Wade was the HC and Doogie Flootie was on the team, they scrimmaged with the Iggles in Lehigh, PA. Got to shake Flootie’s fat calloused hand.
  13. Our young nation paid the Portuguese protection money to keep the Barbary pirates from attacking our ships.
  14. FIFY. “Can I tell you about my husband?” That has to be his campaign slogan.
  15. Ride an elevator in Paris. It smells like you entered a tire store. Your nose burns and your eyes water. You might even throw up a bit in your mouth. Submariners stink less.
  16. Quiet! She’s a direct descendant of the harpies that tortured brave Ulysses. He voice can destroy a tomahawk missile.
  17. Public school assemblies Public school lunchrooms Church/Temple/Mosque services Movie theaters Shopping Malls Football Stadiums College dorms
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