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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. On first viewing, I though he slapped her azz twice. But it was the guy's hand next to her and then he shakes his hand. That's Kavanaugh-level assault. IMPEACH!
  2. No one in the media will favor The Bills to win the AFCE until Brady retires. The Browns division doesn’t have a Smaug the Dragon sitting on its pile of gold like the Patsies*** do in our division.
  3. AOC is nothing but a petulant bully. Most of the Leftists are intolerant bullies.
  4. Portland is in the midst of a gang war. Plain and simple... it's a gang war. The Governor could call in the National Guard to take control of that mess. Then again, it's Ory-gun. 
  5. Don't be so hardon yourselves. #TDSChan is a terrible affliction.
  6. Well, the article does say she’s been without Cox for years now.
  7. Woodrow Wilson started using the term "Progressive" because the label "Liberal" had gone out of favor and was increasingly seen in a bad light. (go figure). So Wilson - the racist - was probably the original "Progressive." He created the movement that after a time went out of style and in the 60s "Liberal" became once again the mantle of choice for the Leftists. It's wash, rinse, repeat for these A-holes. And for the Butt-a-plug fans out there who slam Christianity as being morally corrupt, remember this... it was the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. and other Christian Ministers and Priests and Nuns who brought about the Civil Rights movement. It was the Quakers and other Christians who formed the Abolitionist movement which brought about the creation of the Republican Party - which was dedicated to stopping slavery in America.
  8. They are Projectionists of the first order of magnitude. They should change the name of their party to The Projectionist Party. It's a more apt description.
  9. Danielle Outlaw - what a name for a C.o.P.
  10. His speechwriter made the blunder. They obviously intended to say seaports. BFD. And why didn't you put this in the already existing Trump speech thread - oh I know - you're an attention grabbing w ***** e.
  11. Don’t be a coward. Rent a wooden barrel and go over the falls!
  12. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. A THOUSAND times NO! It was clearly collusion to conspire to create a cabal of codependent conspirators to Co-opt the Constitution with creepy memes and most likely contraband - which sure, is just speculation - but they couldn’t PROVE there isn’t any, so BURN THE WITCHES!
  13. From DR’s post above - a direct quotation from The Mueller Report: "The investigation did not establish that members of the Trump campaigned conspired with the Russian government in its election interference activities."
  14. That was me. So, you think he’s the Warmonger in Chief? Your problem is an absolutist point of view. You won’t give an inch to give him any credit for his achievements all the while he’s faced UNPRECEDENTED resistance from his political foes and the media. But I repeat myself.
  15. Still, it’s nice to recognize athletic greatness when you see it. I guess if you didn’t see it, it didn’t happen.
  16. No worries here about me. I won’t sleep on him. I far prefer my SleepNumber bed, thank you very much.
  17. I guess there will be no more war correspondents going into battle with troops to cover their stories as it would be too dangerous. However, if any of them were stupid and foolish enough to go and got hurt or worse, well they just got what they had coming. Oh, and that girl in the short skirt and low cut blouse, Well she got what at she was asking for - amirite? Leftist are the worst people.
  18. According to the IMDB, Gish appeared in 120 movies and TV shows during her lengthy career, which spanned the first eight decades of the movie industry. But if we’re going to banish all the bad people of the past because of hurt feelings, when does early “Progressive” Woodrow Wilson face the memory hole, given that he was an enthusiastic proponent of Birth of a Nation, including screening it in the White House and proclaiming the film “is like writing history with lightning.” . Wilson was a racist in the truest sense of the term. When President of Princeton University, he refused to allow blacks to attend the school. When President of the USA, he refused to integrate the armed forces.
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