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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. By Mueller's standard, and after his testimony this morning, AG Barr has a good case to prosecute Mueller for lying to Congress.
  2. That was when he was a Democrat and before he became a racist/bigot/homophobe/xenophobe/Russian spy amirite?
  3. What a complete embarrassment that was. Of course his tenure at the FBI featured shoddy workmanship.
  4. I refuse to post in any thread that is started by Tibs. Mueller was never in charge of this investigation. Love that you call it "The Weismann Report." That's exactly what it is. Mueller looks like a tired, old hound dog.
  5. Yes. Agreed completely. And when the powerful speakers of the Dem party speak about Republicans being “Racist, Misogynists, Homophobic, Xenophobic, White Supremacists, Deplorables, Despicable, Nazis, Traitors, Putin’s Puppets, Un-American, Gullible, Low-Information Voters, Under-educated, Dog Whistle Code Talkers, Gay-Bashing, African American Hating, Anti-Immigration, Hispanic Detesting, Islamic-hating Christian WASPS and Catholics” they’re only doing so to “unite” the country. Thanks for for clearing that up.
  6. Not for anything, but a high school kid or a college student working summers making $15.00 an hour is a lot of money. They won’t pay Fed or State taxes on that - or, if they do have anything other than SSI, FMLA, Unemployment insurance, etc. taken out - they’ll get a refund the following spring - just in time for spring break. I started working when I was 15, and it was great. Always had some coin and bought my own clothes. Never thought I was getting screwed.
  7. Don’t slight Massachusetts... It boasts one “nearly” Native American woman who chugs beer in her home and identifies with the Cherokee nation. I’m certain that she carries on their tradition of hunting game - especially deer.
  8. That must be some Consent Decree to have a top cop consent to giving up his wallet and his wife’s purse at gunpoint!
  9. MSNBC BREAKING NEWS!!! Trump demands jus primae noctis at his Bedminster castle.
  10. Oh, it's "tainted" alright. It must reek of Schiff's brown nosed putrefaction of American justice. That, and the leadership at the CIA, DOJ, FBI, and the treasonous Dems total disregard for the rule of law and respecting the peaceful transition of power.
  11. https://www.tauntongazette.com/news/20180409/dighton-desalination-facility-offers-brockton-cost-cut The city of Brockton, MA has a desalination plant in the nearby town of Taunton. They committed to it when the area had a significant drought in the early 2000s. They're paying through the nose fort's capacity, but it's hardly been used since it became operational.
  12. Sticks and stones will break my bones, but land mines are another matter.
  13. The Apollo program was misnamed from the start. It should have been called The Luna project or The Selene project. Those were the ancient goddesses. Apollo was the sun god.
  14. Der Fuehrer also shook in the final days of his Reich. So too does this Girl From Brazil.
  15. And which Federal Administration do credit for making those changes? GHW Bush WJ Clinton GW Bush BH Obama DJ Trump Asking for a friend.
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