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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Did you hear that Willie Brown said to Kamala that she should take one for her career advancement in politics?
  2. Hoax! His helicopter was grounded due to a storm. He asked the SS to drive him there. They would not do it because they did not have enough of the proper cars and would have had to shut down the major roadways in the north of France. France was experiencing demonstrations and riots at the time (Yellow Vests).
  3. Trouble is, he’d deliver them to the wrong house.
  4. So, “Trump is Hitler! He’s a NAZI, he’s a traitor, he’s Putin’s puppet, he’s Putin’s mistress, Trump’s supporters are a basket full of deplorable, RESIST the peaceful transition of power, Impeach!” And he’s supposed to play nice with these cretinous scumbags?
  5. Are you kidding? Putin is quaking in his boots at the terrifying thought of meeting Joe the Dope Biden. Likewise Xi of China, and Un of PRK. There’s no way they want Joe to be the next POTUS. They’ll do everything thing they can to get their lackey Trump re-elected. It’s so obvious.
  6. What’s truly insulting is the left’s condescending attitude toward blacks and the bigotry they display constantly with their low expectations of those citizens. You might have missed it, but Trump has made inroads in the black community because he speaks with them as individuals who he knows he can help - not with more government handouts, but with jobs and opportunities to engage in enterprise.
  7. He thinks he owns them.
  8. Biden was a huge supporter of that racist bill that ended up with heavy, heavy imprisonment sentences for crack users, and light fines for coke sniffers. Joe hated the blacks in the inner cities and wanted to protect yuppies like his son and his pals who snorted. Blacks turned to crack because it was cheaper than blow. Now he’s pandering to the leftists by not condemning the violence and destruction their petulant and dangerous actions have caused. Joe doesn’t give two ***** about blacks other than he wants their votes. He’s a modern era plantation owner.
  9. “In my opinion, Joe shouldn’t do any debates,” said Half-embalmed Nancy Pelosi. Really Stretch? No wonder.
  10. Sullivan is running out the clock and will wait to rule until after the election. In my view he will probably dismiss the case if Trump wins. He will sentence Flynn if Biden wins. If he does sentence Flynn, Trump will pardon Flynn - if he’s still the POTUS.
  11. Where are all the TDS casualties? Shouldn’t they be here supporting their champion? I’m shocked that they are not here like swarms of locusts to attack the unjustified posts of Slowing-to-a-crawl Joe. Surely what he said is either a joke or taken out of context or easily explained by his adolescent based stutter. They pounce on every other thread like the seven plagues Moses rained down on Egypt.
  12. Gesundheit
  13. “I forgot!” Makes it all right
  14. I am Nanker, and I support this thread!
  15. https://kfor.com/news/rodeo-clown-banned-for-wearing-obama-mask-speaks-out/
  16. Hope things go smoothly. Thanks for the notice regarding login credentials. Any chance the poster post counts in threads can be re-instituted?
  17. LAMP. Aren’t I the bees knees. No malarkey.
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