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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. It's available on The Bills site. Should be the same vid.
  2. First PreSeason Game Christian Wade scored a TD The Bills beat the Colts
  3. Obviously, one's tougher than the other, obviously. NJ requires one to reveal if they have ever had any mental issues and sought professional help. They'll did into your medical records. The police interview at least two of your non-related references. It can take MONTHS after applying to actually receive your firearms purchase ID.
  4. Much of his base not only support background checks, required training, and responsible ownership, but have done and are actively improving their own gun safety education. The NRA is a key component of that. I’ve taken several. NRA gun safety classes. I also had background checks, photo ID, and fingerprinting done in MA, and NJ. Though NJ didn’t do a photo ID. Both states issuing body is the local Police Department. In in spite of me and hundreds of thousands of others doing that, thou SS of criminals circumvent the law and the processes because they don’t care.
  5. “Smuggling fuel destined for Arab countries.”
  6. Careful! You go there and you just might get flash mobbed.
  7. Just saw this. Mine are on the way. This hits home.
  8. In other words, I’m wearing this Che Guevara T-shirt because my Hitler shirt is in Tiberius’s laundry.
  9. Reminds me of a film I saw in college - The End of August at the Hotel Ozone. A subtitled dystopian post WWIII story of a female dominated foraging society. They killed the last living man. Well, on the bright side we can now unequivocally state that “although we could not come to the conclusion that he committed a crime, we are unable to come to a decision that he was innocent,” or some such bull####.
  10. Can they legally ban him from writing books about his time at the FBI and never let him get a gig with CNN, MSNBC, or the major MSM outlets? Asking for America.
  11. Bernie just can’t stand it when someone speaks ill of his communist ideals. He looks like he’s fighting down a fireball there. There’s too much money at stake for the communist to drop out now. He’s got several books yet to write that will lecture us on the evils of capitalism and why other rich people are racist bigots. Let the minutes of the meeting reflect that @3rdnlng did NOT say, “Kamala Harris, come on down!” Congressional Black Caucus. Apparently the racist is. Sad but true. He sees everything through the lens of racial bigotry without realizing that he’s a racial bigot.
  12. Oh my! The racks are certainly one thing that Anderson Vanderbilt would eagerly “get behind.”
  13. Oh, he plays the “Didgeridoo” all right. But his husband’s isn’t made of wood.
  14. The Federal Bullying Interrogation agents wouldn't let him refer to his calendar. He said he met Misfud in April. They knew it was in April. They persecuted him and pressured him into coping to this "lying" to the FBI and he went to jail for eleven days. FBI - heroes one and all. They also put Manafort in solitary confinement for some time and brought him out nine separate times demanding each time that he swear that President Trump knew the details of the Trump Tower Democrat sting operation on his campaign. I hope some of these bastages get what they have coming due.
  15. PeterPanPixyman is more like it. I need more of YOUR money. Give it to me NOW! Kamala is his VP choice? Congratulations on going to college. If you can’t get in to one of the big universities, remember you can always start out at a Community College. I choose to be recognized as “Your Excellency.” I swear, a high percentage of Americans would be thrilled if this POTUS were assassinated. ? I think he brought Orrin Hatch’s Twitter staff on board.
  16. And Biden stopped pumping quaaludes just after issuing that challenge.
  17. None of the Pols actually “live” in the district that they’re elected to represent. Think Mayor Spartacus and Mittens Romney. I saw that as it happened yesterday and thought it was an absolute home run.
  18. One of the convictions was George P. whom they caught “lying to the FBI.” They grilled him about when he met Missedfood (I think) and would not let him refer to his calendar. He said he met him in March, when the FBI knew he met him in April. THAT was the “lie” they caught him in and which they used to put him away for eleven days. ELEVEN DAYS. How proud they must feel. Nadler lives in a cave under the 59th Street bridge... on the Queensborough side. Best $40,000 investment in twitter and FB ads they ever spent. Nearly toppled our democracy. Still waiting for the Leftists to honor our proud tradition of accepting the outcome of an election.
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