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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Well, ya beat me to it. I’ll erase mine.
  2. “Babysitting” one of my granddaughters in Hoboken for a few days. It just struck me how similar the paradigms are between a pre-kindergarten tv show and a hallucinogenic “MSM” news show are. Up next, Oscar the Grouch on how Trump is responsible for more deaths than Mao, Stalin, Hitler, Genghis Kahn, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Helen of Troy, and Hannibal COMBINED.
  3. Sesame Street is the contextual construct for MSNBC. It’s a fantastical setting populated by script-reading characters that are caricatures of every leftist wet dream who bray, heckle, harangue, and grouse constantly pushing their daily talking points on a numbed audience of snot-nosed mouth breathers who gladly absorb the daily lessons. Today’s word is... (on Monday) RESIST (on Tuesday) IMPEACH (on Wednesday) RUSSIA (on Thursday) TRAITOR (on Friday) TRUMP-TOWER (on Saturday) COLLUSION (on Sunday) OBSTRUCTION
  4. It’s in Chavez Ravine. It’s a lot like The Ralph in that much of is below the ground around it. They both used the build it lower in the ground to build it more economically... less supporting superstructure.
  5. First today, then tomorrow. First today than tomorrow.
  6. Not so sure about that. He sang really great for a couple of decades for The Beach Boys.
  7. Pie are not square. Pie are round.
  8. I’d like to see some of the leftist media pundits get doxxed. Just for the sport of it.
  9. The Bills won to go 3 - 0 in this year’s Preseason.
  10. Fredo Cuomo and his older brother Sonny.
  11. Methinks Sybil felt more than a thrill up their leg from flying a kite in a storm with a key attached at the base. Was it the low spark of high heeled boys?
  12. Common man. JFC Plenz. She wants to get something off her chest fer Krikies, and you’re not interested enough to look! Take a peek perhaps? Hell, I’ve opened bandwidth for as long as the little darlin’ needs. Get it it off your chest shugar. Nanker will listen. By the way, what are you drinking? I’ll get you another. Bartender!
  13. The League loves to broadcast from its home base. Says something though that they believe the G-Men will stink far more than the JESTS.
  14. For pickles and ice cream? You our can stay. I’ll go.
  15. Nekkid mud rasslin’ on the third.
  16. Projected Season Power Rankings Based on Last Season’s Play, Offseason Gains/Losses, The First Two Preseason Game Results, and Pure Conjecture. Much better title IMHO.
  17. We gonna do Allens now like we did Williamses?
  18. Sure. The wins are coming this preseason. But his average claps per clapping session are down significantly. There could be trouble in the Queen City.
  19. This year’s squad has men who have hands that can catch. What a difference.
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