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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. If Matt Barkley gets hurt I’m sure he’ll recover. NFL teams all have doctors with the latest medical treatment that modern science can provide. The bigger question is will he be able to collect workers compensation checks while he’s recovering.
  2. She gives a genuine plus size performance. I’ll say that.
  3. Damn it. McDermott better get some better ties in his wardrobe or we ain’t ever gonna get a good punter.
  4. I remember it like it was yesterday. Bruce had the flu. Hot studio lights and Nyquill will do it every time.
  5. For the love of humanity, can you PLEASE post a gif of your avatar bouncing? up and down on a bench? Jurry is cheap. This isn’t Hogwarts. .Yes. You are the old geezer. But you’re a young pup to me.
  6. https://babylonbee.com/news/six-year-old-saying-why-dont-we-just-give-everything-away-for-free-surges-to-top-of-democratic-polls U.S.—A new candidate has come out of nowhere to surge in the polls in the Democratic primary, and she’s only six years old. Susie Peters of Minneapolis, Minnesota, was on a local news segment where children gave their opinions on world problems, and she asked, “Why can’t we just give everyone everything they want for free?” The message quickly went viral and really resonated with Democratic voters, propelling Susie from unknown to third in most polls, ahead of Bernie Sanders and just behind Elizabeth Warren and Joe Biden. "She really has a plan for everything,” said Melinda Carlson, one of Susie’s enthusiastic supporters. “While Elizabeth Warren only has a plan for getting people free health care and free college, Susie has a plan to get everyone free everything. She’s truly a visionary.” Susie has unveiled her new popular campaign slogan, “But I want it!” and has already qualified for the next Democratic presidential debate.
  7. How about Colts QB Phillip Walker as a 3rd QB? Definitely would like a new punter to replace our pooch puncher.
  8. The classic Mike Backer is also a devalued position, as is Fullback. No NFL team has had a head-on place kicker for a couple of decades.
  9. Wonder if they're working this morning over at OBD. It would be nap time for Buddy.
  10. We shall see what we shall see. It will be an interesting PS lineup this year. And, it a fluid roster. Dont think for for an instant that they won’t add players from the waiver wire and drop a few that are on the cusp.
  11. So how did Croom injure his hand. Was it non-football related? Asking for a friend.
  12. Clowney to the Raiders Seachickens. Who saw that coming?
  13. Personally, I want all of these #### suckers to be fully prosecuted for every ***** thing they did or even might have done. They at all deserve to have their lives totally ruined and made financially bankrupt as soon as possible so when the really big charges come crashing down on their treasonous skulls, they’ll have to be represented by Public Defenders... very JUNIOR Public Defenders.
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