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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Of course not. The House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha have always viewed the lowlanders as subjects - never as equals, and Heavens, never as superiors.
  2. My question to them is, do you eat s ***** t for breakfast every morning, or just vomit it out every day by your own perverse “natural” systemic functioning?
  3. I had a total shoulder joint replacement done at HSS by Dr Russell Warren - the Giants team physician. The only other Orthopaedic Surgeon I would want to have an opinion by would be Dr. Andrews in Atlanta. ***** the Jests and their ***** organization.
  4. So I take it that Schiff and Needledick will want to make formal inquires into the matter and impeach Erdogan?
  5. Hammertime! The idiot "reporters" don't know how to properly couch a question to this President. He should have straight out asked, "Mr. President, did you give a green light to Ergodoush?"
  6. Yep. They want your wealth and they'll take it until it's all gone. After all, it's only "fair." How soon before Warren embraces the confiscation of 401ks and IRAs that the Left floated a few years ago? They want to take your money and guarantee a "reasonable" return with Federal bonds. They'll "cut out the middleman" i.e., the brokers, and fund managers, and investment firms and replace it was an efficient group of Federal Bureaucrats who will "manage" your retirement money. You know - like the ACA "managed" one's healthcare dollars.
  7. Yes, you must sell your Warhol prints, your collection of ship models, and your wife’s jewels. That will be enough for this year. We’ll be back for more NEXT year.
  8. Please rename the title of this thread, The Laws VP Biden Actually Broke. There is video of him bragging about it. All the Left can do is project.
  9. She’s not satisfied with an income tax, she wants to confiscate people’s wealth.
  10. What a dilemma... having to prepare for Dumb and Dumber.
  11. Not just the Raiders, but the entire League got hosed by this.
  12. Well, Wrecks invented the “Butt Fumble,” didn’t he?
  13. I believe the mentality of the police when they get into an altercation is that they must not lose the fight. If they do, they think they’ll be killed.
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