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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. 70s Porn Stach. It’s so 2020.
  2. Saint John’s BB? I’m not moving back to NJ for that.
  3. I think DR snapped and a lot harder than I did. But he’s been the target of incessant mocking, haranguing, vile name-calling, for over three years WRT the Russia collusion nonsense that’s been unequivocally debunked as a setup by some deep state bureaucrats funded by plutocrats. There’s been a tidal wave of petulant posts and threads started by new members - or at least new screen names. They’ve started dozens of outlandish accusatory threads and when proven by facts that they’re full of shite, they either erase their embarrassing thread and/or run to the newer mods complaining that they’re being bullied. But they can’t hide from their embarrassment. They’re cowards that lack fundamental debating skills, are weak at the arts of discourse, and are fundamentally lazy people who get talking points from their favorite yellow journalists and come running here with their latest “Got him now! We’ve really, really got him now!” line of bullshite. They add little to nothing to the political discourse here. They’re like ants at a picnic, or more aptly Rat’s in a wine cellar. It’s more than tiring. And it does get personal at times. I understand why DR called out Gary, but I agree that SDS did the right thing. I guess it’s too much to ask for an end to the name calling.
  4. Wow! What did I win... tickets to the home opener?
  5. Patty Duke’s husband. John Astin. Had to look up his name.
  6. I don’t drink anymore. I don’t drink any less. But I don’t drink anymore either. That’s not true. This pandemic has been hard on my liver.
  7. Chargers new stadium could be something. https://www.chargers.com/news/sofi-stadium-discovery-science-channel
  8. He honeymooned in the USSR. He extolled the virtues of communism. You don’t know his history, do you.
  9. Bernie is a self-serving pandering politician. He’s become wealthy by running for POTUS all the while lining his pockets with campaign contributions funneled to his wife’s fake media company who took 10% of each media placement. He’s a communist sympathizer and would be sucking the Kremlin’s balls if he ever got elected as President.
  10. They think it magnifies their message. You know - like voting multiple times in an election.
  11. What a shame you’re alive.
  12. I know I’m old, but I’d start off by offering her a drink and then ask her name.
  13. Oh, absolutely. Modern Marvels. Here’s one episode.
  14. It’s par for the course. They can’t debate the facts, so they go low, low, low with the ad hominem attacks shredding any “liberal values” that they espouse like feminine rights, Women must be believed, it’s fascist to denigrate a person’s appearance, etc. The left is filled with losers who don’t understand history and don’t know their own native language enough to make cogent arguments.
  15. It’ll only work if the seniors show up buck Nekkid. Former performer will verify that. Nothing, but nothing could quell a riot and dispel an angry mob than a pack of nekkid senior citizens.
  16. Bubba the Love Sponge.
  17. Can’t wait to see its episode on Engineering Disasters.
  18. When are the reporters going to ask Biden when he’s going to meet his grandson in Arkansas who his son spawned with a bar maid? Will he take Dr. Jill along too? Grandparents really like to see their grandkids. Then after they ask him that, they can ask him to tell the Secret Service to release the report about the agent who shoved him because he copped a feel of his girlfriend’s breast when he was introduced to her. Asking for a friend.
  19. When Simon and AD moderated PPP things went along pretty well. I think GG and Beerball would be good mods here. I agree, the current mods don’t seem to have a sense how to let the dungeon run the dungeon with a minimum of interference. Seems we’ve got a bumper crop of precious little darlings that start a fight in the yard and then go crying to their favorite mod to come and make the mean kids stop bullying them. Frankly I’m tired of endless new threads that are little more than temper tantrums and hissy fits filled with ill will, intemperate remarks, and name calling.
  20. The man has no shame. He meddles constantly in the affairs and wars of other nations. Its almost as though he doesn’t want ANY wars anywhere. #NEVERTRUMPNEOCONS
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