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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Well I admit that I was totally unaware that the “car, auto, and life insurance” industries had such a huge number of job openings.
  2. If it ain’t worth *****... you must acquit. No doubt in a black ghetto. All the white folks fled when they saw her kind coming.
  3. What an obnoxious, jaded, self-centered, callous point of view.
  4. Loved this trolling: When I find myself in times of trouble, Mother Russia comes to me singing words of wisdom covefefe.
  5. Pumpkin is a squash. Some canned pumpkin used to contain other squash.
  6. Bob Lamb was one of the writers for that newsletter/magazine. He’s a member here and drops in occasionally.
  7. Black beans mixed with roasted corn and chopped black olives. Sour cream mixed with sriracha and lime juice on the side. Crispy fried Chinese rice noodles on top of Kim chi and chopped green onions. For shrimp fajitas try crumbled feta cheese lightly doused with either colatura or Garum. Sprinkle diced roasted tomatoes on top. Finish with diced fresh cilantro. Beers. Drink lots of beer.
  8. Happy belated birthday wishes to you. Cheers!
  9. The Brit Royals are a particularly quirky lot. They have no sentiment for commoners and only a smidgen more for their “subjects.” I highly recommend “The Ruling Class” for those who haven’t seen it. a
  10. Yes. You called months ago and it’s unfolding now. The otiose media’s prodigality in their dissemination of their personal “intelligentsia” leaks is coming back to haunt them. Because, they’re neck-deep in this treasonous collusion and they’ve clearly abandoned any shred of impartial investigative reporting, they deserve what they’re about to get. As for me, “Clamant ‘Cladem’, belli occasionem canibus!”
  11. You shouldn't quote so much of the article. The author might get mad at you because he won't be getting paid.
  12. Agreed. It's been the most painful slow-roll I think I've ever seen. There's a missing piece here. It doesn't add up well. Perhaps the Persecution's team is also under investigation. Maybe the judge is dragging his feet because he's seeing the misconduct - which he presided over (as judge) and needs to carefully couch the end result (throwing out the charges - most likely in my view) so he doesn't appear too hasty in accepting Flynn's guilty plea. (I know he "begged" him not to but at the time Flynn was being extorted to the fullest extent of the law.) Could he not have accepted Flynn's plea and sent the case directly to trial - and the government's mis-deed would have been uncovered months ago instead of coming out in the sentencing phase and only after Flynn fired his legal team and hired a lawyer with some grasp of the overall situation?
  13. I think The Bills trade the 2019 2nd place in the AFCE to the 2020 1st place in the AFCE.
  14. I wonder if President Truman notified Sam Rayburn that he was about to drop the big one on Japan.
  15. We’ve clearly entered a new period in space related issues.
  16. Hillary should take over as their leader now. She loves war, money, and power. She’s pretty good at hiding out in caves and making pronouncements from time to time. Hey, there’s an opening at the top. You go girl!
  17. There’s no coming back now. I can hear Dandy Don singing ..
  18. Josh could throw it out of the stadium today without using 100%.
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