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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. The “pressure” she’s feeling is to declare her candidacy so she gets protected from any scrutiny under the newly-minted “Biden Rule.” Can’t investigate a Democrat that’s running for office.
  2. Trolls doing Putin’s bidding by sowing rancorous lies about the President. They push sedition at every turn and revel in disingenuous name calling and unverified allegations and accusations. They dont love America and want to hasten our culture and country’s demise.
  3. Here's video proof of the "whistleblower and his backup." They're very effective and coordinated. Trump can't survive this!
  4. This is the best I could do in the absence of the local DACA supporters... It's an eloquent speech that articulates the issues clearly and directly refutes your position that a contemporary POTUS should be able to rescind a memo of a previous President's subordinate. Not only that, but there's a fine summation at the end by an early MSM/Politico operative that couches the arguments of the speaker in a manner that the general populace can understand.
  5. Well, 1988 was pretty weak: Michael Dukakis, Jessie Jackson, Al Gore, Paul Simon (not that Paul Simon), Dick Gephardt, and Gary Hart. 1972 was a bit better but quite an eclectic mix of: George McGovern, Hubert Humphrey, George Wallace, Edmund Muskie, and Shirley Chisholm. 1992 brought us Bill Clinton, Jerry Brown, Paul Tsongas, Tom Harkin, and Bob Kerrey. Eyeing and "Ready to Report for duty," taking a page from John Kerry no doubt.
  6. Remember, food lines are a good thing! Thanks for letting us know Bern.
  7. Or, in other words, "We have to impeach the President so we can find out what to impeach him for." Or something like that...
  8. Democrats have zero respect for laws and law enforcement. They only respect people who ***** on our culture and seek its downfall.
  9. When Schiff's political career is over, maybe he could get a job as the new Joe Isuzu.
  10. I've got. yer "bipartisan support" right here, pal.
  11. We’ve been naïve. All along we’ve been led to believe that Page and Strok’s “insurance policy” was the Steele dossier. It wasn’t. Brennan’s hand picked mole Eric Ciaramella was. These people need to be tried and convicted of sedition and sentenced to Gitmo for decades.
  12. I think a courts martial is also in order. He should get the General Flynn treatment.
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