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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. The media is so lazy and used to being spoon-fed "scoops" by leakers from the CIA, FBI, DOJ, WH, NSA, etc. that they don't realize how poisoned they are. They've been drinking in the Deep State Bar for so long, they can't tell how drunk they are on the lies they've eagerly accepted and regurgitated in their daily columns and reports - all just to earn a living in the Swamp and get some acclaim and notoriety. They're going to get a lot of that soon.
  2. Yes, but Trump is not a RINO. He's quite capable - and adept - at rolling around in the gutters which has previously been the nearly exclusive purview of the Dems. It's something I haven't seen (in reverse, actually) since Chuck Schumer gleefully rolled around in the hog swallow with Al D'Mato in their race to be the Senator from NY.
  3. Which is reason #1 not to ever post in a thread started by one of the Russian bots who are disingenuous, duplicitous, droogs of denial.
  4. Oh that’s what they do during their seven days of silent cleansing. They first have to soak their crystals in sea salt, run Melli’s through a forest, burn patchouli incense, smoke a nickel bag. Then they prostrate themselves on a prayer rug at the altar in their local Church of the Unholy Climate Change, and recite in silence 69 “Our Hillary” cantos. It it explains what we’ve described as “drive by” drop-ins from some of the lefties here.
  5. No. Brennan. He was there in the gallery to make sure Frankie Pentangeli said his lines correctly.
  6. Fire all the bullets - check Throw the empty pistol - check Throw the ejected cartridge casings - check Wad up the cartridge carton and throw THAT - check Pick up fistfuls of grass and throw THAT - check Kick sand and dirt - check Scream at the sky demons - check Run away wildly flailing hands and arms while hollering “RUSSIA’” - check
  7. Obviously that’s another reason to impeach Trump. He refuses to nominate people of character and integrity to the highest bench. Instead of legal scholars like Avanetti who is a proven legal warrior, he put drunks and rapists on the SCOTUS.
  8. This "low rent Ukrainian sequel" is most definitely the CIA Vs. POTUS. The DOS and CIA are kissing cousins. EVERY US Embassy has CIA officers and operatives and they work in concert with the station's diplomatic team. This charade is Brennan's last (best?) hope to take down Trump and it's doomed to failure. Brennan should get a present IMO... nine grams of lead.
  9. He should announce his candidacy. It’s an bulletproof grant of immunity from prosecution and media investigation. You know - protection afforded by The Biden Rule.
  10. Face it DR. You're just not as sophisticated, unformed, and educated as he is. He thinks you're, you're, you're just poopie face!
  11. When she does eventually pass, it will be interesting to see how the media treats her passing as compared to that of Anton Scalia.
  12. Well he did start out his patriotic parade by talking at length about his Navy veteran father - did you know he was a survivor of the Bataan Death march? You might also not know that Fitzpatrick went to Harvard!
  13. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on a minute. What’s so special about debt from student loans? Progressives, think more boldly. Why stop with student loan debt forgiveness? What about mortgage loans, and car loans, and credit card debt? Why should any American be burdened with paying for things they want?
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