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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Oh goodie. When is National Save a Turtle Day, again? I want to gird myself for her tweet on that holiest of days. Don't want to get blindsided like I was about "World Day of Remembrance for Traffic Crash Victims."
  2. FDR - his grandfather made the family's fortune by enslaving millions of Chinese to opium. Trash people. FDR was a Demi-communist.
  3. They had to. No one in the #Resistance speaks Latin. Few Leftists graduated from High School.
  4. What a beautiful day. The Bills won yesterday, Epstein didn’t kill himself, and Crooked Hillary still isn’t President.
  5. After a win like this over Miami, Ralph would extend the Head Coach’s contract.
  6. Oh no! Now the North Koreans are interfering in the 2020 elections! Schiff will dispatch his crack(head) team of researchers to find out Trump’s collusion with Kim. ? Right. “Can I tell you about my husband?” doesn’t sound like a very strong campaign slogan. Just sayin. Several Republican Senators would relish the ability to call Brennan, Clapper, Biden, Obama, Biden Jr., Schiff, Ciaramella, and a host of other seditious bastards to the stand and put them under oath. Cocaine Mitch would have a field day with the rules by just following Schiff’s precedent. The Dems would be absolutely destroyed.
  7. That could be a career-ending injury. Bo Jackson comes to mind. Hope not for his sake, but dislocating your hip out the back of the pelvic cup can't be anything but horrific.
  8. When the Republicans retake the House, they should start legislation to name and eventually outlaw the Democrat party as a "Hate Group."
  9. Lots of times I put 'em on both legs together. Have to be sitting down to do that - or be Superman.
  10. Melitta typically. Have a French press but it's messier.
  11. American tourist in China: "In MY country, we can openly speak against our President - Can you?" Chinese citizen: "In MY country, we can openly praise our President - Can you?"
  12. And the US Attorneys. It's what incoming Presidents do. They routinely ask for the resignation of all incumbent US Attorneys. This practice goes back a long way on both sides of the aisle.
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