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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Not to mention that down here in the dungeon we’ve pretty consistently defended people’s right to stick however much #### they want to shove up their own or someone else’s ass or pie hole. Who am I - or anyone else for that matter - to tell someone else who they should love and sleep with, and partner with? What you want to do with another consenting adult is your business. Just leave me out of it and drop the hateful spiteful divisive name calling.
  2. I’m shocked, SHOCKED do I say that Mayor Pete’s unity message of, “Can I tell you about my husband?” Didn’t resonate more with the voters of middle America. huh.
  3. I think many were. I think several were dirty as hell. I also think a few of them were weary of the ***** show.
  4. All 31 Dems should be targeted for heavy opposition campaigning regardless of whether they vote to impeach or not. They won their seats on the tidal wave of corrupt reporting of a hellaciously egregious morally bankrupt coup attempt by members of the IC and entrenched bureaucrats. ***** them all. They should never have won their seat if the media did their job and these candidates didn't exploit the lies that were perpetrated on America.
  5. @Deranged Rhino Perhaps it's time to either change the title of this thread, or create a new one: The Sham Impeachment of President Trump in the US Senate. It seems obvious the Dems are going to draw up articles of impeachment and it's going to get thrown into the Senate to adjudicate the matter(s). I'm thinking on of the useless idiots might start their own trash heap thread and then delete it -- as has been done so often in the past -- when the winds of truth and evidence flow back over their heaping piles of stench-filled lies and chokes them so badly that they run away. Your call.
  6. It’s the Dems worst nightmare that the Senate opens up the impeachment trial of President Trump. First witness called - Ciaramella, Second - Schiff, Third, Brennan, and on and on and on. AND they’ll be playing under Cocaine Mitch’s Nuclear rules.
  7. I think you might have given a few of the droogs here a chub with that.
  8. Well, he does do a pretty fantastic on-air fart. You have to give him that. It's like the speed limit signs in New Jersey. They're really just a "suggestion."
  9. You're at least as "dirty" as Jeff Sessions. You can follow his example and recuse yourself from the discussion. Now they're doing internal polling to see if they can't just pass a Censure of POTUS because Russia Collussion/Obstruction/#HE'S GOING TO FIRE MUELLER/BRIBERY/TIT-FOR-TAT/#DENIEDUKIEPRESAWHITEHOUSEVISIT/Held up Ukie aid/Gave money for missiles - not blakets and MREs/and... SHUTUP!
  10. I got a coupon for $5.00 off on coffee! Gotta get to the store today.
  11. A Nice Reminder About the Bedrock Style That is Behind the Clintons' M.O. "Trapped in a primary fight that has dragged on far longer than expected, Hillary Clinton has struggled to escape the perception that she is part of the corrupt old guard of the Democratic Party. Her likely general election opponent, Donald Trump, has already begun to hammer the former secretary of state for the misdeeds of her past. Hundreds of FBI background files on officials in previous Republican presidential administrations were improperly given in 1993 and 1994 to Craig Livingstone, the director of White House security who was a Hillary Clinton favorite. No illegal activity was ever proven, and Livingstone ultimately resigned." IMO this is one of the ways they got Al D'Amato.
  12. I actually did see Tibs in a game day thread once. He obviously forgot to log out and back in under his football discussion nom de plume. Another career diplomat who is incensed that they weren't running foreign policy. They hate him. He's a literal hate crime. #Impeach!
  13. Don't do a wholesale Clean History and Data. Go to Settings> Safari> Scroll all the way to the bottom for "Advanced"> Website Data> Find the website cookie that you want to remove - in your case "twobillsdrive", Click "Edit" then select the cookie/file and delete it.
  14. No. They just removed his spleen, so now he's in the Medical Intensive Care Unit.
  15. With any luck, he'll be busted back to Private and given a dishonorable discharge after serving 15 years in Leavenworth.
  16. Sure... like passing on Brady, Gronk, etc., etc., etc. The Draft is a crap shoot every year.
  17. Me thinks the 2018 Draft is over. Time to move on. Love the one you're with.
  18. I agree. Dolphins jerseys are garbage... just like so many of their players.
  19. I still won’t watch it even if the moderators were topless.
  20. I’m really looking forward to her “green” plan to ban all air conditioning. That’s a big vote-getter... especially down south.
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