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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Immigration was so much easier when people like Tib's ancestors could simply buy them at the public slave market.
  2. From the above’s replies... I had to look it up on giphy.
  3. I hope Cocaine Mitch doesn’t take it up until June of next year.
  4. Clinton legacy: Bill and his son... Chelsea and her father...
  5. Did you inherit any of the slaves your ancient Nazi forebearers owned and ***** ed in Virginia?
  6. Trump should sign an Executive Order dividing California into three separate states. Better yet, he should get his head of the EPA, or someone over at State to issue a decree to that effect.
  7. I thought we got a whiff of that a few months ago. Nunes was targeted - probably to exact as much collateral damage as possible by the Leftist sleazeballs.
  8. There likely was a shoulder massage and a hot tongue in her ear by creepy Uncle Joe when he offered her the spot on his ticket as his VP.
  9. Please do some more virtue signaling. Just give me a moment to get my wife and we can have our cups of hot chocolate by the fire. I’ll get my kids on FaceTime too so they can be warmed by the wisdom of your omniscient narrative of the American experience.
  10. Certainly not your bitchy snarky zero illuminating replies.
  11. They do the RunOption a lot and about half the time LJ keeps it and runs inside the hashmarks. I'd have on DE tackle LJ and from the other side have the DE tackle the RB. They don't throw outside the hashmarks a lot.
  12. Obviously Doogie will obviously go to Rutgers obviously.
  13. He’s releasing all of his stump speeches on eight track cassettes and video of them on VHS tape. FORWARD!
  14. Guess his campaign slogan, “Can I tell you about my husband?” Isn’t going over so well in the African American community. Bob Torricelli was a major crook. Bob Foster -an ex mayor of my town at the time- ran his entire campaign as, ‘Toricelli’s a crook. I’m not Bob Toricelli.” That was a stupid campaign strategy. The Dems had him drop out of the race less than the state’s constitution’s limit of 45 days before an election. They forced the state court to overturn that, and they embalmed Frank Lautenberg - who had retired after serving 69 terms in the US Senate. The f ***** r won. I’m still steamed about that. The guy was a f ***** g mummy by that time.
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