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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Called the FBI probe intrusive and exculpatory evidence not presented to FISA Court.
  2. Aspersion #1: “How much do you have to donate to get to be a witness...” Nadler’s head snapped around at that. Now here comes the IG’s 434 page report!
  3. Josh should have come off the bench to tackle that TE who went 61 yards untouched for a TD.
  4. I’d pay good money to see Mitt frog-marched into the Senate Chamber.
  5. Guess his campaign slogan,”Let men tell you about my husband,” isn’t gaining traction yet. Well, I for one am not looking forward to her next campaign stunt where she uses an outhouse and a corn cob to do a #2 while leaving the door open - to prove she’s just a regular gal of the people. What was her reaction when she heard Trump pardoned Pontus Pilate posthumously? John Wilkes Booth? Tokyo Rose?
  6. This game time thread is closed until the OIG Report is released. Thank you in advance for holding your oatmeal in your mouth until that time.
  7. Not hardly. I’ve been watching and following his career ever since he was a little tyke. Here’s a family photo with his proud papa standing behind him. Trump should put him on the Supreme Court.
  8. I don’t think it’s blanket immunity. He can’t be sued for anything he says on the House Floor or in Committee. He can however be beaten with a cane. In the words of W. C. Bryant, "Has it come to this, that we must speak with bated breath in the presence of our Southern masters?... Are we to be chastised as they chastise their slaves? Are we too, slaves, slaves for life, a target for their brutal blows, when we do not comport ourselves to please them?"
  9. Well at least they’re not accusing Trump of trying to get The US into the Warsaw Pact.
  10. Didn’t read it all, but I believe you are correct. I also recall a biting letter from Grassley where he asked the AG to bring charges against anyone found to have told lies about the POTUS, and worked to undermine the Administration. I believe Steele was one of the sleazeballs mentioned in that letter.
  11. James Lofton. Bryce Paup. Steve Tasker (stolen from Houston off waivers - not a FA). Kenneth Davis.
  12. Must warm the cockles of any Leninist fellow traveler’s heart. Such feels-good to know what a direct impact the#RESISTANCE has played in American foreign policy after all. Leftists must feel so proud. They’re following Stalin’s plan to a tee.
  13. This could have gone in the “Hate Crime or Hoax” thread. I’m old enough to remember when you could not praise an African American NFL QB for his athleticism. You had to praise his intelligence or else your comments were considered racist.
  14. Well, in THAT case, why not begin NOW? Why wait for it to be released when it's so convenient to ignore what it says anyway? I'm surprised some of our reading comprehension challenged Leftists haven't already weighed in on what the report says. We know from them already that, 1. It won't exonerate Trump in any way. 2. It will exonerate the Deep State bad actors. 3. The media will be proven to be the honest brokers they know that they are. 4. The Democrats are doing the honorable thing by impeaching Trump. and 5. ORANGEMANBADGODDAMNIT!!!!
  15. I look forward to both John and Tony’s time on the stand at Trump’s impeachment trial. It should be quite illuminating.
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