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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Well, maybe they think they know how to play with fire...
  2. Well they did get rid of the insufferable, smug Scott Pelley on the evening news.
  3. Trump is the best thing that ever happened to the media. They feast on his persona. Some are making fortunes because of him. He’s like crack to them. They’re addicted to him. They can’t let a single utterance of his go unnoticed.
  4. More aptly names Labour pains, methinks.
  5. Have lunch at a local pub. Try the meat pies and local draft beers. You won’t go wrong.
  6. Can’t wait to play the birds in the AFC Championship Game in 2020.
  7. But more importantly, much much more importantly - were his children separated from him?
  8. The Arkansas Supreme Court fined him and revoked his law license for five years. The SCOTUS barred him for life - from arguing a case in their court.
  9. I don’t think you’re wrong about that. The politicians think impeachment is the worst thing they could do to him. They’re the ones that are rolling around in the mud and only getting themselves covered in pig shite. Meanwhile Trump keeps smirking at them with his *****-eating grin. This is is real idiot’s delight.
  10. Oh yes. It’s all smoke and mirrors. Trump and the US lost badly here. Really badly.
  11. It’s coming now regardless. The Libs horribly overplayed their hand.
  12. Okay. I'll call a stop. Let's no longer pretend that the Russians didn't influence our election in 2016. Here's ample evidence that they did:
  13. I’ll say it again. The Left (antifa, Occupiers, BlackLivesMatter, SocialCommunists) want to relive the French Revolution. The Right wants to adhere to the principles of the American Revolution. As such one would think the Leftist would be perfectly comfortable with bringing back the guillotine - especially if it gets used the most at the SuperBowl halftime.
  14. It’s Ebonics for what Goldman posited in questioning. Biden’s quid pro quo wasn’t really quid pro quo because that was BO’s policy for our country. Whereas Trump’s astonishing quid pro quo had nothing to do with US policy, it was only “You’re not getting the carrot unless you rake up dirt on my (Not as of then) political rival. I need to personally benefit from exposing the Biden’s.” No wonder Tulsi Gabbard is getting short shrift after she brought up dirt on Willie Brown’s favorite spit roast.
  15. Could outlawing Political National Committees work? Nah, fuggettaboudit. And to think this all started with a cigar, a BJ, and a blue dress while the Pope was in Cuba visiting with Fidel.
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