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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Thanks for coming clean brother/sister/whateveryourpreferred pronoun. There are millions of stories like ours out there. If we can only encourage more people to come forth and admit that we were duped into not voting for Hillary, then we can recognize what a terrible miscarriage of justice the 2016 election was. Perhaps we can get a do-over if we get enough people to admit it, you know - change the popular vote so that we can prove she actually won.
  2. There it is!!! There it is!!! Thats exactly what I saw that changed my mind from being an avid if not rabid Hillary supporter to realizing I had to vote for Trump. That ad changed my mind, my life, my political affiliation and more. It was... Inspirational, transformational, epiphanial. It was downright game changing for me and millions of other staunch democrats.
  3. If I were McConnell I'd agree to any rules that Schumer wants. Then, I'd ignore them and steamroller the bastages at every opportunity. Make an agreement and break it... it's the Patriots*** Dems way.
  4. Common man... don't hold back! Tell us how you really feel about this piece of trash.
  5. If she doesn't send the articles over to the Senate and Trump adjourns Congress... and he doesn't sign the budget... ⚔️
  6. Well maybe they got away with it, but this guy gets smashed by a train: CAUTION - MIGHT NOT BE SAFE FOR WORK - OR FOR LUNCH!
  7. Oh absolutely. In fact he can’t return to the Oval Office ever again, unless President Hillary invites him for a visit (highly unlikely after all he put HER through these last three years). #RESISTRESLITYBECAUSELEFTISTSARECRAZY!!!!
  8. Yes @Boca BIlls Rejoice! Your heroes just removed not only him from office, but Vice President Pence too. Oh, and his cabinet is gone - especially that pesky AG William Barr. So, according to the “rules” as you know them, he has 24 hours to leave Washington forever. Nancy Pelosi calls a special session of the House to elect Hillary as the Speaker, and then, because Hillary is the Speaker and Trump and Pence are history, she becomes President. Amirite? Question. Who do you think she would appoint as her Vice President? Bill Michelle Nancy Schiff Nadler Biden Huma Monica Hubble Buttagig Kerry
  9. Other than Brady, there is not other Patsie*** that I would LOVE to see JACKED-UP than this tool. He's a *****.
  10. They're cuddled in their safe spaces, protected by the fawning media that is beholden to them for story lines. They're never challenged about the assertions - no matter how outrageous their pronouncements are. The media then parrots the talking points they've been given and the echos resound across the media chambers... "The beginning of the end. He's going to fire Mueller. We have to protect Mueller. This is a bombshell! Trump will have to resign..." It went on and on since he became the Republican nominee and it continues unabated. The ONLY thing that will change things is if the DOJ starts to bring charges against the people that the IG Horowitz remanded to the AG for investigation. There has been no news on that front as of yet. Perhaps those cases have been forwarded to Durham. Time will tell. Time will tell.
  11. Submitting false documents to the FISA Court to obtain warrants on American citizens is a felony. These *****-ups need to be indicted and tried. If found guilty, they need to go to federal-pound-them-in-the-azz prison for a long time.
  12. Recusal my azz. That ship got sunk after Sessions fell on his sword. Trump will not allow any more ***** recusals. It’s time to crush these Leftist slime balls for good.
  13. He went to journalism school at Cuse as did a number of sportscasters who are fond of The Bills. Many are just closet fans. I remember when he said “I’m not a fan of how The Buffalo Bills are building their team. I AM a fan of how the SF 49ers are building theirs.” I think that when the 9ers got their franchise TE Vernon Davis and when we lost Winfield. I’m too tired and lazy to double check my recollection on the players involved, so sue me if you research it and find out differently.
  14. So, just exactly how IS Jerome Corsi doing these days. Anything ever come up with his refusal to cop a plea to Mueller's rogue bastards? Asking for a friend.
  15. Cris Collinsworth liked using PFF, so he bought it.
  16. I confess that after their 4th consecutive SB loss, I swore that I did not want The Bills to ever go to another one unless they won it all. So blame me (and others like us) for the long drought. If my voodoo is correct, when they get to the SB again - they'll win it. Go Bills!
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