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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Without evidence, President Trump wishes the nation, "Merry Christmas!"
  2. Gee Gary, you should know that even though I am old, I'm not THAT old. So, they called it the "Civil War." What do you think they'll call the next one CWII? They'd have to rename the Civil War to the First Civil War. Better we call it the "War Between the Hates." Has a nice ring to it, donchathink?
  3. Not a big enough affront that they confiscated his land to bury Union soldiers on it.
  4. There’s only one thing to say after seeing that. Epstein didn’t kill himself.
  5. However, I guess we should expect these Dickensian tales at this time of year. You know Bob Cratchit, Tiny Tim, Scrooge and all... including The Ghost of Trump Past, Present, and Future.
  6. Thank you for your service ALF. But you seem to specialize in finding a dark circle around every rainbow. It’s tiring. Can I assume that you give generously to charities that assist the downtrodden and needy? You donate hundreds of hours a year to community projects that help protect and provide a better environment for your fellow citizens? Or do you see that area as strictly the responsibility of our collective governments? Answer me this, why is it that “homelessness” is a problem we only hear about when a Republican is in the White House? Merry Christmas to you too @ALF, and a Happy and Prosperous New Year for you and your family, and oh yes that Prius driver in Cali who can’t drive away from the high rent district.
  7. Oh so right. Thank you President Trump for saving us from waking up on Christmas morning and being required to be subjected to a Haranguing lecture from this old bat:
  8. Wet blanket sob story. She should drive that Prius to a state that has less than $2,350 per month rentals. That, or learn to code.
  9. Obama and Hillary’s policy to back the Muslim Brotherhood led to the assassination of Qaddafi. The same Qaddafi who gave up his nuclear program due to our demands. The same Qaddafi who Kim references as a reason why he won’t give up his nuclear program. Thanks B O for such a clear object lesson on foreign policy decisions and their consequences. That area is still a hot mess.
  10. It’s a tipping point. The beginning of the end. Trump will have to resign. Trump is going to fire Mueller. This is a bombshell.
  11. I wonder what the Internet psychologists who think Trump is mentally unfit and should be removed from office think about stuttering stammering negative Nancy.
  12. Exactly. As stupid as those azzholes are, they didn't write in their official government documents "I'm doing this because I hate Trump!" So - no official records exhibiting political bias, even though it just oozes from their wide pores and pimples.
  13. She’s getting a rental truck to drive up the the back of the White House in preparation to help move the Trumps out.
  14. Well, they could always learn to code.
  15. I think Trump should give Pelosi a deadline for handing over the articles to the Senate. If she fails to do so, he should adjourn Congress.
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