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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. A Few Good Men. Keep Jack Nicholson. Deliverance. Keep the Dueling Banjo playing kid.
  2. This is SO much more crooked than Watergate. It's beyond the pale. (or is that Bee on the pail?)
  3. Sicilian actor Espera Oscar de Corti aka Iron Eyes Cody.
  4. I'm rethinking this. Maybe 89 is on to something. But why go half way? We need to rename the city of Washington, hell - the name of the state too. Tear down the W. Memorial and the Jefferson Memorial too. We must plow under all the Southern cities old town areas because they were around in the dark era. Let's not forget the southern plantations. Those "museums" must be burned to the ground and salt sowed into their earth. Let's force people with southern accents to take diction lessons so they sound more like us enlightened northerners. Let's keep going with this ***** until we finally get to the real core of the matter... REPARATIONS!
  5. Not our country's finest era. But to whitewash it and to boldly and slovenly label the South evil is to do an injustice to the tapestry of our nation's fabric.
  6. Not everyone who lived in the South in that time period owned slaves. Conservatives promote choice, individual accountability, and the right of self determination. They do not care for a heavy-handed central government, but a more lose federal system that doesn't have all the power located in Washington. Hate all you want. You won't be a better person for it.
  7. What do you think would have happened to George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Ben Franklin and other founding fathers if the southern campaign that the Brits waged was successful and Britain won that war? What would you think if a statue of one of those founders was being protested against by the Tory loyalists? The Krauts didn’t have many statues/images of their generals. They had plenty of Hitler, but the Communists destroyed those in the East. Allied troops brought home many of those in the West.
  8. I do like the debates they have in Parliament though. Also, the ruling party (coalition) gets to choose the PM. Have a vote of “No Confidence”, have a general election and throw the bums out and let enter a new batch of hounds along with the party leaders. It could mean the Libertarians, Conservatives, Greenies et al could actually have real representation in the House. Bad idea, I know. Trump would have been given a no confidence vote as soon as the House reverted to the slimeball Dems.
  9. It’s posts like this that make me long for the old board where you could click on the total post count of a thread and see exactly who had responded and how many times they did. Not it only is JA/BF throwing shade at one of our posters who has had a stroke and has admitted he has difficulty typing on his phone, but he’s thrown an entire generation under the bus in a smug sardonic manner. Merry Christmas.
  10. You have to admit though a murder by live dissection using saws and axes is pretty horrific. Unless of course it’s part of a Hollywood production like let’s say... Scarface.
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