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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. He already wears this. The pec “brace” will restrict his range of motion. Likely won’t be able to lift his arm up very high.
  2. Guess our DBs know which leg of his to tackle him with.
  3. Journalism is dead... and not just the Sports section either. It’s all about the clicks.
  4. The spleen of a Shah comes to mind. What about that?
  5. NEXT! Oh, and just what exactly was Soleimani doing in Iraq anyway. Isn't he an Iranian military person? Excuse me, wasn't he an IRANIAN terrorist? Iran should get the hell out of Iraq. We should get out of Iraq.
  6. Just give him the same treatment that the FBI and DOJ gave to Flynn WRT prosecution. Flynn’s case was an entrapment setup. In McCabe’s case, he willingly screwed the pooch. Make him pay. He deserves to be ruined.
  7. I think I found more video. There seems to be more to the story than what Adam Schaffer’s and Nadler reported to the media. The Pope (seeen here in his informal robe) seems to do more than just slapping the woman’s hands. This is a Bombshell! It’s the beginning of the end. He won’t be able to survive this.
  8. And that was confirmed to all when he proudly showed up sporting his specially painted truck in The Bills colors... with the logo facing BACKWARDS!
  9. I'm certain you meant recession there John. But I rather like it as is as it reminds me of the $1,5000,000,000. + that he conceded to the Mullahs in Iran.
  10. Sure. He’d hold the door open wide and get a belly laugh from the dead Americans that would result.
  11. I guess we all just found out where Michael Cuomo will get his funding for the billet train from Binghamton to Scranton.
  12. And Mr. Vindman felt “marginalized” by tweets. A regular profile in courage. Pass out the Purple Hearts.
  13. He’s just sensitive about his racist slave—owning fore-bearers in the Antebellum South that he over compensates and project that ancient racism on others. That’s the Dem/Prog/Fascist way.
  14. Biden will be the Dem candidate. Trump will be the Republican candidate (really going out on a limb here). Biden’s running mate will be Okra Winfrey or someone like that. Indictments come down in Q2 2020. They have a major impact on the election narratives. AOC will not be re-elected. SEVERAL big names lose their political commentary positions in the MSM. RBG passes. RIP you very tough old lady. Trump nominates a woman to The Supremes. McConnell forces it through - after saying in retrospect he was wrong previously in not holding hearings for Garland. At least one of the cabal dies suddenly. The Senate acquits Trump. The “whistleblower” is outed in the MSM. Brexit does happen. The Dow closes over 30,000; NASDAQ 9,000; and the S&P500 over 3,800. Tony Podesta gets indicted for sex crimes. Bob Kraft goes to trial and The League forces him to sell his team. The Pats*** don’t get to the SuperBowl. In fact they won’t return there until 2055 at the earliest. BB retires as does Marcia who begins gender reassignment procedures. The Bills rule the AFC for the next decade. They finally win their first of several Lombardis in the following season.
  15. So kinda like how FannieMae and FreddyMac “guaranteed” the housing loans back in the roaring 90s? Or, was it more like the billions of taxpayer dollars that N.Y. can now use on shiny green new deal giveaways instead of giving it all that cash to Amazon?
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