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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. It’s a lot like people that won’t drop the long disprove Russian Collusion in Don Jr’s Trump Tower 15 minute meeting with that Russian lawyer and Hillary’s translator that was setup by BO’s people. Pence said 9/11! Pence said 9/11! Pence said 9/11! I beg to differ. WWE Reigning Champion Donald J Trump just set a new world record for successfully conducting and winning a World War. USA & Allies 1, Iran 0. Lasted about 34 hours which beat the Free Kuwait World Action by several weeks. Another Bush legacy trophy taken by The Donald.
  2. The WH is giving Congress in the form of the belligerent Gang of Eight a briefing. The public doesn’t get one yet. That’s Adam Schiff’s job. He’ll be translating them for our consumption while explaining how this is now really, really, really, truly even is grounds for impeachment and burning him at the stake on the DC Mall.
  3. The other 7 were just Democrat super delegates.
  4. Word is that Adam Schiff will begin opening an investigation into election 2020 hacking and interference by... The Babylon Bee.
  5. Lots of liberal handwringing after being triggered by a POTUS threat against our adversary who has until now had a free reign inside several other foreign nations to wreck havoc and wage proxy wars. Hopefully it will give the Ayatollah Kakamamie and his princes of darkness at least as much a pause to contemplate the possibility that their names might be on the business end of a Hellfire missile. Iran will lose its oil refining capabilities for decades if they fire back.
  6. SB XXV. Long Jints drive to open the 3rd Quarter. Talley missed a tackle on Meggett, and it broke the momentum. ***** happens.
  7. Sure. Kelly Thurman Reed Bruce Shane Talley Biscuit
  8. Hot flashes aren’t anything new. Trust me on this one Greggy. Living with a wife who went through menopause disabused me of that notion a long time ago.
  9. Yes. See Cyrus, Darius, and Xerxes et al. Their conquests for empire date back nearly 3,000 years. They’ve been slow grinding that path for centuries and it won’t stop because of a nice European/Western formal agreement any more than Neville Chamberlain’s “piece of paper, that I hold in my hand, signed by Mister Hitler” was a stonewall that prevented WWII.
  10. And eat big sandwiches in front of them. Slurping down Big Gulps and loudly chewing bubble gum - once in awhile popping bubbles with it.
  11. What? No mention of a “BOMBSHELL”? ***** YOU GARY. you’re a first class shite.
  12. I sincerely hope he does. And he can mention the name Eric Ciamarella while he’s at it for good measure.
  13. He looks so peaceful. There once was a man from Iran Who had a devilish plan. He wanted to kill Everyone not Isil But his ass got blown up in a van.
  14. FANTASTIC!!! We’ve got the right where we want them. A 97 yard touchdown drive to end the half will break these bastages.
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