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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. In other news, George Eastman is still dead, but he has a mansion on East Avenue in Rochester. UNBELIEVABLE!
  2. We all know you’re very smart Tom. But you just horribly misspelled Pelosi.
  3. No. But he did predict 35 of the last 2 US recessions. So he’s at least got that going for him.
  4. Cut him some slack. A free round trip ticket to Cleveland for the two of them. Maybe she wanted to do some shopping or visit the Rock’n Roll Hall of Fame.
  5. The “Trump War, AKA WWIII” is over. America won. Rejoice! Oh that’s right. Libs only want America to lose wars. They’re Pathetic.
  6. Well, I for one want all of her out of power... not just her ass.
  7. Yeah, but what do YOU know? Iran says it didn’t shoot it down. #BELIEVETHEAYATOLLAHS!
  8. Trudeau, sporting an appropriate Solameni supporting goatee mourns the mistake in Iran. When it comes to pandering to a demographic, this dude does it better than Hillary.
  9. And if Adam didn't ***** Eve, the plane would not have been shot down.
  10. “Super Bowl is my password. It’s all my passwords,” said Mike Mularkey.
  11. Yeah, sure. But Dey stills gots furst world probblems.
  12. Ah, yes. The House of Lords.
  13. Well, in a way we did. Just like we're provoking the Iranian people to ditch their Mullahs for a better national governance - one that doesn't worship death, but seeks peace and prosperity.
  14. Fredo. Sorry, had to check the filter on that. I was going to say, what’s next - Monday?
  15. When they do go, I hope they charter a Ukrainian airplane.
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